Food and physical activity: a matter of balance

We continue in our Special Infant Feeding with a topic that acquires importance in recent times with the increase in childhood obesity in the world. And is that food and physical activity must be combined For a healthy development.

We can eat healthy, but if we do not do physical activity we are bound to have health problems. The same happens if the relationship is reversed, when we do physical activity but eat badly. The worst case (which is usually the most frequent) is when we do not eat well or move enough.

If the energy intake of food exceeds the recommended amount, and adequate physical activity is not carried out to eliminate and compensate it, the body accumulates that excess that translates into overweight and other health problems. In contrast, continued physical exercise, accompanied by a balanced diet, will contribute to the regulation of body weight.

Scientific studies show that in cases of excess weight there is not only a low consumption of dairy, vegetables and fruits (together with a high consumption of high energy density foods and drinks with sugar), but that a high percentage of children do not Do physical activity outside of school.

Poor physical activity It is associated with a high number of hours in front of the television, computer, video games or other sedentary activities that current life habits seem to favor. The World Health Organization estimates that sedentary lifestyles are one of the ten fundamental causes of mortality and disability in the world.

The health benefits of a physically active lifestyle are varied: it has been proven inverse association between physical activity and cardiovascular risk, between physical activity and obesity, between physical activity and diabetes risk, risk of osteoporosis and fractures or between physical activity and cancer risk.

But all this has implications not only physical, because of the health risks that it entails, but also emotional, since Children who are overweight tend to have low self-esteem, higher levels of anxiety and depression. In turn, the practice of games and sports favors not only health and weight control, but also psychological and social well-being. In short, an inverse association has also been found between physical activity levels and the prevalence of mental disorders.

In short, physical exercise is necessary in children because it contributes to the processes of development and maturation of their genetic potential. Sports activity understood as play or playful activity that implies movement, significantly improves cardiovascular functions and contributes to an adequate maturation of their psychomotor skills and musculoskeletal system.

Facilitate children to exercise

View the important relationship between nutrition, physical activity and healthIt is important to facilitate each of the parties and for families to be aware of this relationship. Healthy eating habits combined with the practice of exercise will keep the body healthy, and we must encourage our children to move, play, play sports, walk ...

The World Health Organization recommends that children and adolescents perform at least 60 minutes a day of moderate or vigorous physical activity, which can be sports, but also active play.

Younger children are in the best time to establish healthy habits, so encouraging and accompanying them in their daily physical activity is our responsibility. The best way to do it: have fun playing, dancing, walking at a good pace or playing a sport ... There are a thousand ways to move and be healthier.

But not only parents are responsible for this point, the authorities and agencies around us should be aware of the importance of proper nutritional education and an environment that promotes physical activity, and not only in school.

Favorable environments and community support can contribute to increase physical activity, through appropriate urban and environmental policies. For example, taking care of the accessibility and security of mobility on foot, by bicycle and with other forms of active transport, create safe spaces for children to perform physical and sports activities in their free time, in schools or other areas.

Definitely, the performance of physical activity together with adequate food It is one of the keys to prevent childhood obesity. The combination of both factors will make our children grow up healthy and happy. And, remember, healthy habits must be maintained at all times of life, in childhood and also in adulthood.

Photos | Suedehead and on Flickr-CC On Babies and more | Tips for healthy infant feeding, Tips for developing a healthy children's menu, Ten facts about physical activity

Video: A Matter of Balance - By MaineHealth (July 2024).