Summer Recipe: Chocolate Covered Fruit Frosted Lollipop

If you do not get your child to eat fruit, surely with this recipe today you will enjoy it and savor a lot, as well as refresh it on a hot summer day. It is very important that children cool down continuously in summer to fight heat. For this we must look for a diet that helps the child stay hydrated. Fruit is therefore an indispensable food to refresh our children.

A fun way to give fruit to children (especially if they are reluctant to eat it), is to disguise it. In this case we have prepared some fun Frosted natural fruit lollipops covered with chocolate.


  • fruit, we can use any fruit we want: watermelon for example it is one of the fruits that contains more water (95%). He Kiwi It is one of the fruits that contains more vitamins, especially vitamin C (vitamin capable of neutralizing the bodily damage that free radicals could produce. They are also a great remedy against constipation. peach It is also a very sweet and rich fruit for the summer thanks to its content in carotenes. He banana, fruit very rich in carbohydrates and potassium (mineral that is involved in the regulation of liquids).
  • Melt hedge chocolate (white or black)
  • Wood sticks


  • We peel and wash the fruit, cut it with the way we want ice cream (always thinking that a wooden stick should fit).
  • We introduce a wooden pole stick and introduce it as a lollipop in the fruit. We melt the chocolate (in the microwave or in the water bath) - I advise you to always do it in the water bath to avoid burning too much, stir continuously.
  • Dip the fruit with the stick in the broken chocolate and let it cool on vegetable paper. We put them in the fridge so that the chocolate hardens. You can also put them in the freezer, the frozen banana is delicious.

It is a recipe that you can practice with your children at home, they will love to sink the fruit in the chocolate and above all, see how the chocolate hardens after a while in the fridge, a scientific discovery for the little ones!

Video: EAT. Frozen Chocolate Covered Bananas (July 2024).