"Ice Age 4: the formation of the continents" a movie to have fun with the whole family

Ice age He comes to the big screens approximately every three years and this time, in 2012, he played. Ice Age began the series in 2002 telling a story full of love and sensitivity that developed around the care of a baby. The characters lived a lot of adventures and in the end triumphed the friendship and the power of the pack to survive. The pack was one of the most atypical because it was made up of a mammoth, a tiger and a sloth.

In the fourth part, Ice Age, the formation of the continents, the film maintains the spirit of the third, in which there was stories of all kinds and many characters. In the fourth part there are characters that cover an incredible spectrum of ages because we can see the youngest or Sid himself who with his occurrences, movements and boldness make the children of the house laugh. There are also stories of teenagers who would make those we see blush at home every day! on the Disney Channel, and there are romantic moments for the elderly and many adventures. And yes, in Ice Age 4, There are characters for grandparents too! with situations that will provoke your smile.

And throughout the film the power of camaraderie remains omnipresent. Sid, Diego and Manny will go back to live exciting adventures and get out of trouble by staying together. This time they will have to face some pirates in which the cruel captain, a magnificent character who already scares when he shows up the first time, played by a funny orangutan with a ship built on a huge iceberg. Although there are many more emotions and entertainment, for example, some mermaids that upset the fascinating protagonists or many characters that help the story progress.

The movie lasts an hour and a half With the initial short. It includes a song at the end of all the characters with dances included. It seems to me that Sid is going to have many imitators among the children because he does a lot of dancing. Surely a day of dancing in the style of Perry the Platypus is invented soon.

We have seen it in 3D, with the glasses, and the truth is that it is worth it because the details of the hairs of the animals, the landscapes, the skips of the characters and especially the Scrat appearances looking for his acorn They look very good. In addition to the premiere in summer with the heat and showing ice landscapes make it highly recommended because it provides a very cool environment.

I think the movie is suitable for all ages, from 4 to 99 and beyond. The whole family can have a great time and have fun with the occurrences of the characters. Ice Age 4 opens on June 29 in cinemas throughout Spain.

We also saw her with a short film by Maggie, the smallest of The Simpsons. Participate in a small movie called "The Longest Daycare", a long day in kindergarten could be the translation. It's in 3D and it's very emotional. Maggie is a great character that looks great in this chapter. Very appealing also to approach to see the movie.

Important note: We have attended the premiere of Ice Age 4 invited by Activision.

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