Activities for traveling by car with children I

Possibly all of us, moms and dads, feel a certain nostalgia for when we were little and we traveled by car with our parents: long conversations between them, children singing, stopping for a picnic in a field off the road, all happy and happy (or children fighting in the back seat, which was also the case), play as I see I see ... and Endless stories more.

Today, many of these stories of children in the car They have been lost through guilt (sometimes, thanks to) technology. It is true that it can save us from a hurry more than once, especially when they are still babies and we do not have many ways to distract them, but when the children are over two years old, they surely appreciate that we propose games and activities during the car trip and that, in addition, we participate with them. For travel with children by car this summer, we can propose a series of activities for the car that also will stimulate many facets of Emotional development of our children and will favor the bond between parents and children. We will give you several ideas to distract children in the car. Today's game is called:

The game of the 20 questions

We can prepare 20 interesting questions that will trigger long and distracted conversations between the family. For example: If you were an animal, what would you like to be and why? If you could change for a character in a comic / book / story, which one would you change and why? At what age do you think a person becomes an adult and why do you think so? What makes this family special? Of everything you've learned by studying, what do you think can be useful when you grow up? What is the most complicated thing about being a child?

You can invent the questions you want, it can be a lot of fun to get into your child's mind, surely you get a lot of things that you never thought about.

I have prepared some cards with 10 questions so you can print to take them in the car for when you want to play. These are some ideas but you can turn your head around and think some others, you can even ask your children (those who are a little older) to ask them some questions.

Right-click on the image and click "save as" to print the cards.

Video: Kids Travel Activities. Kids Car Kit (July 2024).