My impressions of the First National Maternity Congress (I)

As I had announced, I have been one of the organizers of the First National Congress of Multitasking Maternity which took place on June 9 and 10 in Gandía. Today I want to tell you my impressions and explain how this project was born and how its organization has been.

For some time I had been thinking about how necessary it is to make Motherhood visible and give voice to the people who work to ensure that mothers and families regain their prominence as agents of social change and prosperity.

I had talked about it with women and men involved in the dissemination of respectful upbringing and in the materialization of new structures that favor an expression of motherhood as a new paradigm of family, personal, social and labor relations.

The beginning of the project

Finally, two months ago, I met Azucena Caballero and decided to step forward and embark on this unprecedented project. Azucena is the director of the Schoolcarpetas distance school and the community of multitasking mothers Educarpetas, entrepreneur, entrepreneur, mother homeschooler of three children, writer of two books that have reached number one sales at Amazon and a great example of a woman You can successfully reconcile your personal, work and family life with a good organization and much, much drive and confidence.

Both of us will be aware that congresses are held in Spain that address, in isolation, issues such as conciliation, feminism, the needs of families, education, breastfeeding and childbirth. There are also conferences organized by associations that deal with these issues separately. But there was no congress with professional status that revealed Motherhood as a life-changing fact And that is multidimensional.

A woman who is a mother is not a mother alone in her home, she is also and forever in the social, personal and work. Addressing the problems and needs of mothers and betting on what they can do to improve the lives of all members of the network of our society we thought was indispensable.

Teresa Cabarrus

We are inspired by a phrase by Teresa Cabarrus. This is an extraordinary woman, a Spaniard who was decisive during the French Revolution and who is said to have caused Robespierre to fall. He loved, married and divorced several times, fought, had several children, owned a hall frequented by the most important artists and politicians, saved lives and played his own life, was admired, hated, attacked and envied, inspired and He worked, and was deeply involved in the political changes of his time. A mother and woman really multitasking.

Even in the greatest adversity, for your children you will find the drive and strength necessary to transform the world. Always keep in mind that there is no more devastating storm or more revolutionary action than raising a child for freedom.
Azucena Caballero and Mireia Long

And then we decided to be ourselves who would realize this First National Congress of Multitasking Maternity as our contribution to a peaceful and definitive revolution that we believe is beginning and will be decisive in this century that begins: the revolution from the feminine and the maternal.

We talked with the people in charge of the Campus of Gandía of the University of Valencia, who supported our project, and with the City Council of Gandía, especially with the governor of Equality, Emi Climent, who encouraged us and provided us with the help that was possible. And we begin to work.

The Organizing Committee of the First Multitasking Maternity Congress

Normally the congresses of this size are made by large organizations, companies or associations and have sufficient human and economic resources. That was not our case but we did not plan to let it stop us. And it didn't stop us.

Psychologists Mónica Álvarez and Teresa García, the writer Paloma Martínez, the education specialist Sorina Oprean and the yoga teacher and social worker Mari Cruz Isasi joined the Organizing Committee.

We also wanted to take advantage of the new technologies and ensure that the congress could not only be followed in person, but also make online participation possible and the creation of local offices where it could be followed by any interested person who could not travel to Gandía. An aspect that we considered fundamental to be consistent with the conciliation we advocate.

And, with this great team and the very clear idea of ​​what we wanted to achieve, we began to contact associations, organizations and experts that we had known for years and asked them to collaborate with us. Everyone received the idea with enthusiasm and helped us in an altruistic way, because they also believed in the need and importance that this could have. First Multitasking Maternity Congress.

In the next topic I will tell you how we went forward until this idea of First Multitasking Maternity Congress It was a reality.

Video: Free To Choose 1980 - Vol. 04 From Cradle to Grave - Full Video (May 2024).