Agenda of the month in Babies and more (June 2012)

We are about to retire in May to welcome June and that is why we are going to offer you our agenda particular with some of the most interesting activities that can be carried out. We have made a selection of shows, workshops and exhibitions that have children as a possible audience.

We hope that the agenda will help you find some entertaining idea and we thank you in advance, that if for the month of July you know of an event to highlight, let us know.

Then we leave you with the June's agenda:

June 2012

Of the 1 to the 10 of June

Madrid Book Fair for children. Every day at the Parque del Buen Retiro, the 71st edition of the Madrid Book Fair is held with activities designed for the little ones to take on culture through literature.

Of the 1 to the 15 of June

NASA: the adventure of space. An exhibition that brings together 300 original pieces and replicas of artifacts from the United States space program. In Hall XII of the Casa de Campo Fairgrounds, in Madrid.

Of the 1 to the 17 of June

The three little pigs (Els tres porquets). A version of the classic story of the three little pigs and the wolf in the form of a musical, with original music by Manu Guix and recommended to children from 3 years. In the Regina Theater of Barcelona.

Of the 1 to the 24 of June

Smiles and tears, the musical. Musical of the well-known story of Smiles and Tears that will reach the cinema starring July Andrews, which can be seen in various cities of the Spanish territory. Until June 3 it will be in Mallorca, from 7 to 10 in Murcia, from 14 to 17 in Malaga and from 21 to 24 in Logroño.

Of the 1 to the 30 of June

The Giant Woman Large exhibition of a giant woman whose interior is visited to see, on a large scale, her vital organs, a baby in the womb, etc. In Babies and more we talked about her when she was in León. In the Europa Park of Torrejón de Ardoz.

Of the 1 to the 30 of June

Sleeping Beauty, the musical. The classic Perrault quantum that children know, in large part, thanks to Disney, represented as an adventure to the rhythm of soul. In the Figaro Theater - Adolfo Marsillach in Madrid.

2 of June

23rd Children's and Youth Day of Vallecas. A day to enjoy with family with 38 workshops aimed at children and young people between 2 and 18 years (face painting, bracelets, badges, games with sand and water, tatoos, theater ...). Entrance is free and open.

2 of June

A day of story: the Grimm brothers. Celebrating the 200th anniversary of the publication of the first book of children's stories by the Grimm brothers, a party is held at the Golferichs house in Barcelona.

3 of June

Murmurs. A show for babies from 6 months in which Weaver and Weaver make, on a loom, a fabric made of sounds, actions, sensations, colors, textures, loose elements that when joining with others will compose something new. In the Tyl Tyl theater in Madrid (c / Iglesia 2 Navalcarnero).4 of June

Free talk about attachment and the link in the formation of the child's personality. Taught by Diego Sánchez González, psychologist and psychotherapist. C.S.C. Federico García Lorca (c / Vicente Aleixandre, 5 - Humanes de Madrid) 7 to the 21 of June

Child Massage Course. Three-day course (June 7, 14 and 21 from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.) to learn how to massage our children, relax them, make them feel good and make parents feel good through touch and contact with Your babies In charge of Nútrim.

9 of June

20th Mangola Party. Charity party to raise funds to maintain the 3 nurseries in the Mangola Valley in Tanzania. A day in the countryside with lunch, snack, dinner, music, etc., for parents and children. In Finca Navazarza, Galapagar.16 of June

Kindermusik Open Day. Free English workshop with music and movement for parents and children from 1 to 6 years as a sample of the methodology used to bring English to children actively. In c / Juan de Austria, 24 of Madrid, with different schedules according to ages.28 of June

Workshop to learn without stress. Aimed at children from 5 to 12 years old who must be accompanied by parents, with the schedule from 17.30 to 19:30, in the Atelier d'Horta of Barcelona.

Video: Does The Chinese Gender Calendar Really Work (July 2024).