The Men in black 3 movie so that children know that traveling to the past saves the future

When many years ago we saw the movie Back to the Future the kids of the time we were thinking about that time travel and the impact they would have if we made them. That witness, and with the same uncertainties, is taken by the third part of Men in black (Men in black). Men in black continue to show that on Earth, in the past and in the present, a lot of aliens and strange creatures live. Some good, some naughty and some very bad and to which you have to beat in the past to save the future.

And there is one of the successes of the film that children will like. The bad bad guy is a great character He even has a fun double moment when he travels to the past and finds himself. Its presentation moment before the movie starts is very good and seeing it run through the moon is worth it. This villain, who seems to be drawn from comic strips of those that were made with black dot plots, has a special ability and is that he shoots darts that look like tiny bones sharpened at high speed and that leaves his victims literally nailed to the wall . It's like a machine like that of shooting staples, even if alien.

I think the biggest success of the movie is the trip to the past. The year 1969 is the chosen one and although it is partially portrayed it has many fun moments in which Will Smith looks. However, in my opinion, it is Agent K of the past, played by Josh Brolin, who stands out in all the scenes in which he appears. The ambience of Agent K, with that elegant hairstyle, his black suit, his glasses, his gadgets a bit old, his friendship with Andy Warhol and especially his love relationship with another agent make the past very attractive and Very Mad Men

And I really like the scenes where you can see the launching platform of the rocket that takes astronauts to the moon. There's a sweep to see the dimension of the rocket or some images of the launch pad in the distance. In addition to the main adventures and fighting take place in that scenario.

Another moment we enjoy is the way in which Will Smith, Agent J, travel in time. The launch from an elevated position allows to play with the fall to make the transition of the temporary jump. And it includes a surprise moment, a bounce, which makes it very fun and spectacular. In addition, the device they use to travel, although simple, looks like a nutshell, is most attractive with numbers that change to show the destination date.

And for those who want to identify other relevant characters that appear in the movie I warn you that you can see Tim Burton, Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber in Men in Black 3. We saw the first two on the screens of the headquarters of the Men in black. I have not been able to discover Justin, if someone wants to share it, it will be fun.

The movie is recommended for older than 7 years and although it has been published in 3D Our fellow Blog Blogs tell us that the digital version is enough. We saw it without 3D and had a great time and enjoyed it very much.

I leave for the end the soundtrack, which is Pit bull, and that can be seen on YouTube.

In Cinema Blog | Men in Black 3

Video: Men in Black 3 - Your Daddy Is a Hero Scene 910. Movieclips (July 2024).