Unisex names for the baby

Most parents wait to know if the baby will be a boy or a girl to think and name him. But this does not have to be this way, if you opt for any of unisex names for baby The issue is already solved even before knowing your sex.

Neither masculine nor feminine: names that can be used in both cases, although parents often have doubts as to whether a boy or a girl "fits" better, or if they are too strange names and will be misunderstood or object of mockery by the rest of the children.

There is different types of unisex name, applicable to both men and women. The most "genuine" are those that in their origin and in the same language are written and pronounced the same and designate both boys and girls. Two very common examples in Catalan are Montserrat and Pau.

Some are written or sound the same, although in different languages ​​they apply to boys (Andrea in Italian, but Andrea, female, in Spanish) or girls (Gabrielle in French, but Gabriel, male, in Spanish). In this case in the respective languages ​​they are clearly assigned to a genre, but used in those other languages ​​they sound "strange" to us.

There are names that are not unisex, but that obey fashions and are used as such given that in certain countries there is no legislation in this regard, as is the case in the United States and appeals such as Leslie or Blake.

Here you have a list with many more unisex names, especially those that come from indigenous languages ​​such as Mayan, Aztec, Mapuche ... (it is common in these languages ​​that the appellants designate both men and women), although there are also names that they come from surnames or some classics of Latin and Greek ...

Among the names of egyptian originIf we take a look at both the girl and the male we will see how many, to our ears, could be perfectly applicable to the other gender.

Unisex names that are fashionable

Cristian or Christian is a very fashionable unisex name today especially in Anglo-Saxon countries. Others are used more for girls: Ashley, Brittany or Britney, Taylor, Madison ...

Among the names of indigenous origin we have: Iktan which means 'ingenious' in Maya; Chalichen, of Mapuche origin, which means 'greeting'.

Pau can be translated by “Paz” or “Pablo” in Spanish, and Montserrat (Montse) comes from “serrated mountain”, referring to the mountain of Catalunya.

Maya, of Greek origin, refers to the terms "maia: mother, grandmother, nurse" and in Hindu to the Sanskrit "illusion." Noah comes from the Hebrew, which means 'rest, peace.' And Ariel which means 'lion of God'.

The Unisex names that are all the rage today In many countries they are:

1. Paris
2. Alex
3. Emo
4. Jessie
5. Andrea
6. Josmar
7. Joss
8. Ariel
9. Darly
10. Akira

Perhaps it will be more frequent for these types of names to be extended to other countries and each place to establish its own new unisex names. So more than one will have to lift the face of the form where the name is recorded to see the face and check if it is a boy or a girl.

In any case, parents should at least check how that name sounds in our language (if it is of foreign origin), how it combines with the surnames (that the mixture does not easily derive in hurtful nicknames) and look for its meaning. Because the name will be part of our child throughout his life and can influence his personality or behavior according to how others perceive him and himself.

In the logs too Unisex baby names are increasingly common, and more than he will not have been surprised of the name chosen by the parents for a boy or a girl. At least those we have seen are not offensive or denigrating names with which some parents have no qualms about "marking" their children for life.