The home can become the right space and medium to develop basic skills: linguistic communication

What do we understand by "competence in linguistic communication"?, it is the ability to use the language, and it is understood that a correct use of it is contextualized in the act of communicating. It is not difficult to work from home since communication goes hand in hand with the human being, we need relate through it to express ourselves and meet needs.

The skills that can be acquired through this competition can be translated into skills to read and understand, write, express ideas and also know how to listen to others. And when I talk about reading and writing I am thinking of being able to do it on any chosen medium, banishing the idea that it is only possible with paper and pencil.

Normally we can consider that children acquire this competence when they know how to use written language and also orally in different situations. What goal could parents have about it? I think we would like our children to be able to acquire the necessary skills to successfully develop communication in different contexts. We would also like them to be able to use one of the foreign languages ​​functionally. As I have commented and given that communication is something that accompanies the human being from its origins, it is not complicated to attend the development of this competition from home. We should only have a little interest and perseverance in facilitating their learning.

Ideas to work the Competition in linguistic communication:

  • Allow the children express your reasoned opinion about the events that occur in your environment, and encourage such conversations so that they feel more secure using verbal language.

Encourage them to introduce all kinds of language elements so that the descriptions are richer and more varied.

  • Use the dictionary regularly both to directly consult unknown words and to play stimulating your imagination.

As an example I tell you something we do at home from time to time: (always with paper dictionary because they are forced to remember the alphabetical order of the letters) in turn we ask others to define the word to look for (what Do you like the letter? Do I look on the left or right page? Do you prefer the top of the page, the middle or the bottom?). When the one who occupies the turn is located in the area to look for, select an unknown word and ask others what they think it means ... we are all making sentences and finally we know the real meaning. It is a way to enrich vocabulary while having fun.

  • With children who have not yet started Primary Education it is very interesting - and they also like it - to take advantage of our walks in the street to read shop signs and decipher traffic codes.

  • When they already know how to read, it is convenient to read the press with them, and from the age of nine we can select news (or do so) and contrast how they are shown in different digital media.

  • Depending on your interests and abilities we can encourage you to write summaries or write stories.

  • If we allow them to accompany us to make arrangements, make the purchase, visit the doctor or greet the neighbors, they will observe us using an appropriate language for each occasion and will learn by imitation.

  • We can encourage them to be the ones who write an email to the grandparents or perform a search on the Internet, provided we are present to guide them.

  • And of course, encourage reading from different genres: narrative, theater, poetry, comics ...

There is a fact that is observed today and it is that children are not able to differentiate contexts and sometimes express themselves using the same language when they play with their friends, visit a library or attend an activity in a museum. I believe that the fact that we let them be children without demanding formalities and allowing naturalness, is not at odds with the need for their language to be rich and appropriate for every occasion.

As you can see, it is not too complicated to help our children to develop this competition at home. Any action we take in this regard will help them think about how a language works and its rules of use. If we take care of linguistic communication, we show them a positive attitude towards reading, writing and oral expression.

And these recommendations are valid both for the mother tongue (Catalan, Basque, Spanish ...) and for those who are also able to use our children.

Video: Get Fluent With 1 Trick - Become A Confident English Speaker With This Simple Practice Trick (July 2024).