Home remedies for sore throat in children

Many times the kids come home with sore or itchy throat. The causes can be varied, from a simple irritation to scream, to a cold, through allergies. Most of the time this discomfort does not need professional treatment although this does not mean that we lower our guard and be alert to whether the symptoms get worse.

To relieve these discomforts there are some remedies of our grandmothers and mothers That can make them disappear.

If it's a cold, nothing better to do them drink much liquid That is not cold. That way the throat will be hydrated, we can give them water, broths, soups and juices, although it is advisable to avoid sodas that can make the irritation worse. We can also give them some caramel or pill It contains anti inflammatory as those sold in pharmacies and have several flavors or lizipain with a slight mint flavor. However and as always we indicated, before giving them any medicine, no matter how innocuous it may be, to go or ask the specialist.

The best remedy they can do for how easy it is and because it has hardly any flavor are the gargle with warm salt water. Salt acts as a disinfectant and water hydrates, just mix a coffee spoon in a glass of warm water and gargle for a few seconds. We can repeat this every two to three hours, if the pain or irritation is mild, it relieves them a lot.

Another tip we could do, although its taste is a bit more complicated is that the kids take a sip a infusion of warm water with lemon and honey. Lemon is disinfectant and honey anti-inflammatory and soothes the throat.

We must try that both the liquids and the food are neither cold nor it is advisable that they be taken very hot, it is best that we temper them.

What we always recommend is that you stay alert to throat irritations so that they do not become something more serious that would need medical treatment and that these home remedies would not be enough since if it is complicated they can even have fever. When in doubt, the most sensible thing is go to the doctor.

Video: Strep Throat - Akron Children's Hospital video (July 2024).