The Josep Carreras Leukemia Foundation presents the experiment to value life

The images shown in the video will make you cry and get excited. It's about a experiment to assess the life carried out by the Josep Carreras Foundation, one of the great tenors that Spain has and that survived a few years ago to leukemia. The video, developed by the Foundation shows us that life must be valued and that having good health is probably one of the greatest needs of the human being.

In his YouTube channel they have, in my opinion, few reproductions so it is worth taking a look and spreading it so that together we can value life more. Because it shouldn't be an experiment and every day we have to thank that we can have health to do many more things. I do not anticipate anything of the video, it is better that you see it and if someone who does not get excited, at least a little, maybe he would have to reflect a little and review the order of his priorities. In addition I leave the message of Josep Carreras and I also recommend you, take a look at the page of the Foundation where you can read that: "for more than 20 years, the Josep Carreras Foundation has a single objective: to ensure that leukemia is one day, a 100% curable disease. Although great scientific advances have been achieved in recent years, leukemia is still a fatal disease for 30% of children and half of adults. "