Video by the Public School

Qua Public education needs a lot to improve and change, it is clear. But it undergoes a process of discrediting and devaluation, too. I know that many of those who read us are teachers and professors, and I imagine that, like me, you will be moved by this video dedicated to public education teachers who claim their work.

But we have all been students, and as such, I think we will feel identified with some of the statements we see in the images, that we will remember that teacher or that teacher who taught us something important and that is not exactly in the books. Now, our children are students, and we want them to find everything good that the school can give them.

Because more and more emotional education has a presence in the classroom, the value of the experience, of the dialogue, of the understanding, of the criticism, of the reflection, of the values ​​(let's not forget that first of all this has to start at home)… it is taken into account for children. And we have to claim that this is so and not that the teaching is based on a book, remaining centuries ago.

The protagonists of this video, students today to adults, highlight what they learned from this or that teacher, of this or that subject. And it's not about concepts, but about something much more valuable, a way of feeling, important values ​​for life, concerns to learn, hope, respect, equality ...

If you have to start the educational revolution it must be done from many areas, from families, from the Administration, from the teachers, from the laws ...

Providing quality public school cannot be done in response to the needs of the private sector, promoting this sector, and forgetting, ignoring or belittling the lack of everyone's school, even in times of crisis. Less teachers, less doubles, more students per classroom, lack of space and resources ... are just some of the problems that many children encounter every day in their schools and institutes.

It is not a problem located in a single place, although those responsible for the video are from Madrid and have long protested against the Autonomous Government for the cuts, but can be generalized.

This is the tendency of our politicians in recent times, and that is the reason for this video that claims a public education of quality for everyone and that honors teachers giving a touch of optimism to the issue. Isn't it a good wish for this 2012?

Video | Youtube On Babies and more | Good teachers, I'm going to talk about a site, The educational revolution is everyone's business, Mr. Punset

Video: SOUTH LYON HIGH SCHOOL LIP DUB 2018 (May 2024).