On October 12 he receives accreditation for the Humanization of Birth Assistance and Lactation

We have already talked to you about some initiatives carried out by this Madrid hospital, and we are glad to know that the 12 de Octubre University Hospital has received the accreditation Initiative for the Humanization of Birth and Lactation Assistance (IHAN).

Recall that IHAN is an initiative of UNICEF and the World Health Organization, in recognition of the work of hospitals to humanize birth and breastfeeding assistance.

This is intended to encourage hospitals and health centers to take actions that promote, protect and support exclusive breastfeeding from birth, as well as to offer normal childbirth assistance so that, when the clinical situation allows it, the needs of both are respected and the creation of the mother-child bond between them is favored.

The professionals of the Maternal and Child Hospital of October 12 of Madrid have worked for more than 6 years to promote the necessary changes to achieve their objectives, such as the constitution of a Breastfeeding Committee and workshops for women and their families that give birth and are admitted to maternity.

In these six years, the figure of coordinating nurse in breastfeeding has also been created, protocols and action guides related to the care of mothers and the newborn were drafted, and the creation of mother to mother support groups in the hospital reference area.

In addition, a series of structural and environmental reforms were carried out in units and services related to the care for pregnant women and newborns, looking for the little ones to come to the world in a cozy environment. Highlights are those carried out in Paritorios and Neonatology (warmer ambient light, rooms for parents, furniture, decoration and sound measurement, among others), resuscitation, creation of specific boxes for stays of mothers and children after a C-section ...

Together with the measures related to breastfeeding, other especially new ones have been carried out, such as the implementation of a "family caesarean section" plan, which, as we already mentioned at the time, allows the accompaniment of women during This surgical process by your partner or who she determines. The 12 de Octubre Hospital is the first public hospital in the country to allow this accompaniment in case of low-risk C-sections.

One of the latest actions related to the IHAN has been the edition of the Guide of Action on Birth and Breastfeeding for professionals, written by more than 35 authors of primary care, specialized and support groups, and reviewed by experts in the field .

Congratulations to the Hospital October 12 for becoming a new reference center for the humanization of childbirth and the promotion of breastfeedingWe hope that your wake will be followed by many more hospitals and that we will increasingly see the rights of the most respected women and babies.

Video: 2017 Public Health Ethics Forum (July 2024).