Separating from your mother stresses the newborn

After having been nine months in the womb, early contact between the mother and the newborn is essential. In the following hours, the birth of an imprint occurs between the two, favoring the emotional bond and the establishment of breastfeeding.

A baby that has just been born must be with his mother, because in addition to being beneficial for the creation of that bond, as researchers from Yale University have observed, separating from his mother stresses the newborn.

The human being is the only mammal that experiences the maternal-filial separation, therefore the authors of the study have wanted to know the physiological impact that this produces in the newborn.

The researchers measured the heart rate in the babies during their first two days of life, distinguishing between those who were every hour with their mother and those who stayed longer in the crib.

They found that neonatal autonomic activity was 176 percent higher and quiet sleep 86 percent lower during maternal separation, compared to those who were in contact with their mother for longer.

This suggests that being separated from his mother, either in an incubator because he was born prematurely, or in a crib while the mother is recovering, It is physiologically stressful for the baby, which does not happen when in contact with your mother skin to skin, where you feel calmer, safe and protected.

Physical contact between the mother and her child is very important in the first moments of the baby's life. The non-separation In the hours after childbirth, it not only has a positive impact on breastfeeding, but is essential for the establishment of the emotional bond between the two. So, do not be separated.

Video: Parents So Busy With 4 Children They Overfeed Newborn Baby. Supernanny (July 2024).