What do you think of the Halloween party ?: the question of the week

Like every week today we are going to talk about the question of the week, proposing a question to give us your answers and taking a look at what we asked you last Wednesday, valuing what your answers are.

For this week we thought it might be interesting to talk about the Halloween party. Only 5 days left for this day and in Babies and more We are showing you enough ideas and recipes to celebrate this party that a few years ago was not celebrated in our country in the same way as the Americans.

When you talk about Halloween Many people are critical because they see this celebration as another way to celebrate something by spending money, while many others think that any excuse is good for a party.

Given this dilemma, we would like to know what you think of the Halloween party and that you will explain if you celebrate it and, if so, how you do it, what do you plan to eat, if you will have a big party or it will be in petit committee... I don't know, what you can think of about it.

From today you have a week to go answering that question in the Answers section (if you reply here in this post the message will not be taken into account) and next Wednesday we will comment on the most voted or most interesting interventions.

Last week's question

Last week we asked you: Cameras in kindergartens? to see what you thought about it, especially after the case of the girl who took 30 bites in a nursery.

The answer with the highest score in the votes has been that of sabri212, who has told us the following:

Why not ?, there are nurseries that have them and one can go online and see what happens. While the view of the images is only for parents, it can sometimes give a sense of tranquility by having our children in a nursery. I do not think it was good to be aware of what they are doing all the time, however you have the assurance that what can happen to them will be recorded. In the case of the girl that the partners "allegedly" bit, the "supposedly" would be eliminated and what actually happened would be known. Regards!

The next most valued response is that of Olga Brea Sánchez, who said this and that seems to be the opinion of most mothers (cameras yes, but just in case something happened):

It seems good to me that they put security cameras. But only to be able to resort to recording in case you need it. I understand that in some places there are already. No one can see the images And if after 2 or 3 weeks nothing has happened they are destroyed. But a camera in plan Big Brother no.

Now the new question for this week is now available and remember that you have a week to answer it Please do so in the "Answers" section and not responding to this entry. I know that I repeat myself, but if you answer here we can not take them into account for next week.

Video: Mickey's Halloween Party 2018. Is It Worth It? (July 2024).