Summary of the week from October 19 to 25 in Peques and More

If you were waiting for us here we arrived to tell you our latest news that are many, the arrival of the first rains has made us look for raincoats and has also given us energy to bring even more topics of interest addressed to our readers, topics that will help them in the education of older children, information about events, ideas to celebrate Halloween, advice on healthy shopping and the need for children to sleep at least nine hours, as well as reflections on news related to childhood.

These days we have brought three very interesting interviews to our pages and we talked about solidarity. Below you can read some of our most outstanding articles, and who knows! Some of you may visit us at Peques and Más, so you will see that there is also a place for families with children from five to 12 years old. Currently there is a health issue that concerns us all, it is the childhood obesity: We continually read that the cases of children with this disorder increase and that prevention is possible through healthy eating and physical exercise, there is also increasing talk that this problem can accelerate the arrival of puberty.

Eating healthy is possible, and in addition to avoiding some diseases, it also helps us to control the cost in the shopping cart, at least that is what the OCU tells us. But speaking of obesity, we have brought from Marcos the Zamzee initiative that rewards teenagers who manage to lose weight, so far it works only in the United States.

I would like to continue a little more in the section of health related articles, because we have been able to learn more about latex allergy, and we have confirmed that sleeping less than nine hours can affect school performance.

We are already October 26 and given the imminent arrival of the date on which we celebrate Halloween, Peques and Más has been full of initiatives related to this holiday, such as costume proposals or origami pumpkins. And we continue with our series of ideas to accompany our readers in the fall.

And I finally reach our interviewsIt has been a pleasure for us to be able to chat with Juan Luis Yagüe (director of the Casco Eurocollegio), with Patricia from "Books for kids", and with Cristina Otero, a girl who with only 15 years and her photographs has opened the Kir Royal Gallery From Valencia.

Our aim of group activities it was occupied by Dabadum, the workshops "A Sunday in the hive" and the solidarity career of Entreculturas. Although we also enjoy family entertainment watching movies like "Caterina goes to town" on television or premieres on DVD / Blu Ray such as "Tin Tin's animated adventures".

And so among reflections on whether the radiation of the mobiles are harmful, the Imaginarium catalog of toys, and family outings we have been sharing our day to day with our readers, and we do not forget that we promised to give you some recommendations to help children to study , this time to the boys who are already in Third Primary Cycle.

Video: Negros Occidental. Wikipedia audio article (July 2024).