Highlights in Babies and more: from October 3 to 9

A new week of October begins and, like every Monday, we review those Babies and more prominent publications.

To begin this summary, we remind you that we have started our Special on Child Feeding, where we will deepen everything that has to do with the feeding of the little ones over the next few months.

In it, we have taught you a recipe to make baby yogurts with artificial milk and some recipes for children under one year (which we have divided into two parts: part I and part II).

Within this special, we have also advised you not to fall into the error of not giving your child those foods that you do not like, in addition to knowing that 93% of mothers who stop breastfeeding would prefer not to have done so .

Outside of the Special, but related to food, we have seen that a healthy diet also before pregnancy helps to avoid birth defects in the baby, in addition to checking that the folic acid omega 3 and omega 6 in pregnancy helps a better development Cognitive baby.

Related to the development of the baby during pregnancy, we have found that even a moderate consumption of alcohol during pregnancy can affect the baby

In addition, we have concluded our very interesting interview with the psychologist Ramón Soler, asking him what the world can change if we raise and educate in this respect towards the child in a complete way.

We also saw that Supernanny is still on television, and we have verified that he continues to use methods where the authority and respect for standards imposed by parents are what govern the behavior of their children.

Dr. Estivil, a well-known author of books such as "Fall as a Child" and "To Eat," has also been present throughout the past week, as he has published a new book with Dr. Gonzalo Pin.

Thanks to "New York Magazine" we have met Ann Maloney, a woman who had her two daughters at age 50 and 53 respectively, making us question whether she is too old to have a child at that age.

On the other hand, we have also spoken to our children and how I answer their uncomfortable questions about sex, something that has given us the odd headache on more than one occasion.

After a month of the beginning of the nursery, many things have changed for both parents and small children. And although most people say that in the nursery children are very busy, sometimes it can happen that they have been in the nursery for a month and it seems that instead of going forward, the child goes "back." Following that is when we wonder if that is something normal ...

We have also reflected on dark circles in children, the "pain" of caesarean section, the danger of Promil, Milte and we have discovered that the consumption of ham and toxoplasmosis may not be related.

We continue with the ten most controversial parenting practices, and in this case we talk about homeopathy, in addition to reflecting on what is said about children being from moms and dads' parents.

As a final curiosity, we have found a truck that reinvindicates breastfeeding in the United States and that makes breastfeeding fun and original: "The Milk Truck".

These have been some of the most prominent content that we posted last week on the blog This new week we start with many more interesting things.

Video: Derrick Rose 29 Points Full Highlights 392019 (July 2024).