Have you also gained weight?

When a couple has a child, life changes almost hopelessly. The time you had before to do some exercise and to prepare rich and healthy meals suddenly vanishes and you see yourself eating whatever, whenever and without a moment to do some exercise.

In my case, all these factors add to the desire to be with my children and the responsibility of being at home in case they need me, which makes the fact of going to the gym in the background (come on, if they give me choose, because I prefer to be with them and for them, and there will be time later to look again for me).

All this has made my body once thin and strong (I've always been thin and I've always liked to exercise) has become a slim body, but with a belly. Well, I lie ... it hasn't been for all this. I have left a very important factor: I have gained weight, in large part, from grief.

As you know I have two children of five and two years old and as usually happens with children who eat the amount they want at the time they want, it is very difficult to predict how much they will eat, when they will eat it and what they will eat.

Some days they sit at noon at the table and do not get up until they finish everything and others just eat four pieces of anything and say they do not want more.

I know it sounds crazy, but I do not go behind them to eat what is on the plate, because they will know how hungry they are ... at most I take the plate where they are to eat a little more and leave it said : "Guys, here I leave you the plate with the food, in case you want more" (when I say I take them I mean we take them ... and yes, I am a little anarchic father, what are we going to do).

The fact is that if this happens at home, then nothing happens. What is left over is saved for dinner and they will already eat it, or we'll eat it.

The problem is when you go to someone's house to eat and the boys think that they will not eat too much, enough left over on the plate. Then one also asks for a milkshake of those of “pink milk” (if you know Juan and Tolola you will know what I am talking about) and the other who sees it wants another one, but while they are taking it it turns out that they have thought they want an ice cream, and they leave the milkshake halfway and start with the ice cream.

However, half frozen they realize that "hey, but if I was not hungry." So you find two frozen media that the homeowner has given them, two milkshakes and two half-eaten dishes.

So there is dad, who thinks "for God's sake, what a shame about all this and what a hurry it is about all this. ” And at that moment I get down to work and, while my children run and play with an energy that one does not know where it comes from, I am swelling of an energy that I do know where it comes from, but which I do not need.

So the years have passed and suddenly, a couple of weeks ago, I decided to weigh myself to observe that I had about 7 kilos of belly left over (I say, I'm rather thin build and I've always been envied by eat everything without getting fat). At that moment I realized that yes, that I had gained weight from grief: what a shame to throw this, what a shame to leave the other ... and that something had to be done, because I could barely see the tip of my feet.

So now I'm on it, eating a little better and doing some exercise, not even at home.

As they say "evil of many consolation of fools", then I ask you if I'm not the only one: Have you also gained weight from grief?

Video: HAVE YOU GAINED WEIGHT? LET's TALK!!!! (July 2024).