What to take on a trip with babies and children: Gadgets and other items

Let's talk today about the things we can take or that you have to take a trip with babies and children, with special emphasis on gadgets and items of leisure. They are not, of course, the only things to pack in the suitcase when we travel with the little ones, but they are important to them. In the next topic we will see other things to take on trips with children, and we will talk about everything we will need for rest, hygiene, clothing and children's health.

Perhaps, the best advice is that, whatever we do, we do it by sharing time and fun with our children, with common activities, communicating with them and spending time together. Some of the articles that I propose will allow you to enrich the shared leisure time.

Sportswear, bicycle, helmet, balls, tennis rackets

You have to think that it is possible that the child wants to enjoy his favorite sport on vacation. Whenever possible, we can include in your luggage sportswear, your shoes and the sports items that you will need: bicycle, helmet, ball, racket ...

Books and stories and audiobooks

Many children are used to seeing stories, reading or telling them before going to sleep. As active as they are during the day on vacation, or as tired as they arrive at night, they will like to maintain this enriching routine. In addition, for journeys by car or other means of transport, a good book or stories, or even an audiobook, they will allow them to spend those hours without being overwhelmed.

Family games

I have noticed that the children of now, many times, have lost those childish games We practiced. They spend less time on the street and tend to have less leisure time, and in addition, many times their parents are late home, so the timeshare is reduced.

Holidays are a great time to recover with children the games of yesteryear, the songs or invent our own variants of games, as long as we participate with the children in their planning and even play with them. How about a treasure game to start the holidays?

Most of these street games They do not need many objects, but if we put a rope, a rubber, some chalks and a ball that does not weigh much, we will be able to spend many hours playing the prisoner ball and all those games of our childhood. I bet it will happen to you like us, in ten minutes all the neighborhood children will have approached you to join and your children will discover new friends.

Regarding the Family games, another of the objects that I always try to carry are board games. Children from four years old already have a great time with Parcheesi or goose and we can all participate.

Travel games

If we do not have much space in the suitcase or if we are going to spend enough hours on the trip, we should not give up these games, because we can take the miniature versions, designed precisely for travel and already offers many fun variants as we

Your favorite toy

It is important not to forget a doll, toy or object that is important for the child It will help you to play and represents a link between the new site and your home.

The holidays, and even the trip itself, they are for everyone and we will have a lot of free time. Although, the truth, with a bucket and sand will pass, if we go to the beach, long hours, it will depend a lot on our destination, on the possibility of activities that we offer, on the amount of luggage that we can carry and on the time we go to spend outside, whether or not we decide to take items that help us have a better time, have fun, get distracted and learn.

The most important thing in vacations and trips with children is the wonderful opportunity of coexistence among the whole family and that is precisely why it is convenient to consider that we should all have fun.

It is true that the choice of destiny will help a lot and also our planning, so that the children have a good time, but it does not hurt to think that the days are long and often it is convenient take us objects that will allow us to enjoy more free time, offer more possibilities and, what is certain, spend hours in the car or train faster.

Special Travel with children