The 10 essentials that you should have in the car if you have children

In a city like mine, the car has become a member of the family and we could say that it accompanies us almost anywhere we go. There are short trips of five or ten minutes and others longer, but both for each other and especially, if you have children, it is necessary that we have some things in the car, just in case.

Here is my list with the ten essentials that you should have in the car if you have children, it is not a closed list, much less, it is possible that for you things are missing or others, but these are the ones that I carry.

Blankets and towels

You never know what can happen, a water tube, a mistake when going to swimming class, a dizziness, etc. You carry one or more towels and a small blanket will be very useful.

A bottle with water

On long trips or in summer it will be very useful to carry a bottle of water inside the car to avoid unnecessary stops and tears. Of course, keep in mind that the bottle and water should be changed every little bit.


Surely in the car bag you had an unopened package, because for the car it is good to have another. With cookies, the same thing happens with water, you have to change them from time to time.

A pack of wipes

One or several packages even. I am of the opinion that until the children are no more than 8 years old, the packages of wet wipes are never left anywhere.


I would advise you to take an adult, but not one of those that can be put in your bag, but one of those that you can use as an umbrella on the beach. If it rains, you will be grateful to have an umbrella where everyone can protect you. That if, in the end it does not matter how great it is, someone will end up soaked.

CD with children's music

Something basic, especially for long trips. Honestly, I prefer to listen to the crocodile got into the cave ten times in a row at an hour of dad, I get bored, mom, when we arrive, there is a lot, etc, etc.

A ball or ball

It doesn't need to be very big, it can even be a tennis ball. On some occasions we have had to wait more for the account for someone or we arrive at a place where you have to entertain yourself for some reason. A ball can be very helpful to keep us busy. Of course, inside the car remember that you can not play.

Car mobile charger

It is not something that occupies too much and more than once I have found the need to use the mobile and be almost without battery.

A pair of diapers

As long as any of your children need it, it is clear. On long trips, it happens that Murphy usually does his thing and when you most need everything to be at hand, there is nothing close and you just realize that the bag with diapers is in the trunk when you have your baby in the seat with the diaper unbuttoned and a plast that reaches the back of his neck.

Paper tissues or toilet paper

The oldest version of the previous point.

These are some of my indispensable. I am sure that you will have your own list that we encourage you to share with us.

Video: Newborn essentials- What to buy for baby & Things I wish I had gotten! Dock A tot, Nuna, & Carters (June 2024).