Frequently asked questions in the third trimester of pregnancy (I)

A few weeks ago we started a series of entries in order to respond to the most frequent questions that come to ask both pregnant women and their partners.

After seeing which are the most frequent in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy today we are going to talk about the ones that are usually done during the third and last quarter.

What changes will I notice in the third trimester of pregnancy?

As we said in the previous entries, not all women suffer the same symptoms nor does the same woman have two equal pregnancies. In any case, the most common changes and symptoms that pregnant women suffer during the third trimester are the following:

  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Fatigue.
  • Dificulty to walk.
  • Increased need to urinate, usually caused by the lace of the head.
  • Difficulty sleeping at night
  • Mood swings decrease.
  • Less enthusiasm for pregnancy.
  • Anxiety for the next delivery.
  • Breathing accelerates.
  • The baby grows and presses the mother's lower ribs.
  • The ligaments are stretched, especially those of the hips and pelvis.
  • The nipples can secrete colostrum.
  • Blood flow in the uterus increases up to tenfold from conception

I notice how contractions several times a day, is it normal?

In the last trimester of pregnancy the abdomen can contract for about 20-30 seconds (sometimes more) several times a day. This contraction it's called Braxton-Hicks. It is a kind of body training for childbirth.

These contractions do not mean that you are in labor or that the delivery is close. Labor contractions are different: they are more regular, more intense and painful and do not disappear.

As labor is closer, Braxton-Hicks contractions may become more frequent. If so, they can try to relieve themselves by relaxation techniques.

Why do I have a round, swollen face?

This, like many of the things that happen during childbirth (most), is because of estrogen and cortisol that modify the distribution of body fat. In addition, supplementary fluid also accumulates under the skin and all this helps women to have a slightly rounder face before giving birth.

It could happen that there is a general swelling that affects arms, legs and face that could be a sign of preeclampsia. Before any sign of swelling it might be advisable to see a doctor.

My fingers have swollen, is it normal?

At the end of pregnancy many women their fingers and ankles swell. It is normal that after delivery it will disappear. Just in case it is advisable to eliminate those objects that can cause excessive pressure, such as rings and bracelets.

When I laugh, sneeze and cough, I lose some urine ...

It is also usual, because the weight of the uterus on the bladder makes it possible to leak some urine because of the pressure of more, fruit of the actions that make us contract the abdomen (laugh, sneeze or cough).

It is what is known as incontinence and for this it is advisable to do exercises that strengthen the pelvic floor, which will be beneficial during and after pregnancy.

I get liquid from the nipples, is it colostrum?

In effect, it is colostrum. Colostrum is the first milk produced and that appears, normally, just after giving birth. However, sometimes, in the second or third pregnancy colostrum occurs before starting labor.

Can I do something to avoid stretch marks?

Stretch marks are related to the dilation of the abdomen, but this dilation is not, by far, the biggest culprit in its appearance. It seems that What most affects the skin is the lack of collagen and elastin in the skin.

During pregnancy the stretch marks are red and bright and as time goes by they lose color becoming less white and, therefore, less obvious.

The most advisable is to use moisturizer that does not have to be anti-stretch marks. Is more important the frequency than the quality of creams, although if they are intended for this and are frequently applied, better results may be obtained.

And if there are still doubts

If there are still doubts, you can ask the questions through the new Answers section of the blog, where both editors and readers can offer their wisdom or experience.

To be continue…

In a few days we will offer you the second entry related to the questions in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Photos | Iza & Audrey Love, cscott2006 On Babies and more | Frequently asked questions in the second trimester of pregnancy (I), (II) and (III), Discomfort in the second trimester of pregnancy, Frequently asked questions in the first trimester of pregnancy (I), (II) and (III)

Video: Third Trimester Pregnancy: Everything You Need to Know (May 2024).