Babies are amazing survivors

Surely on more than one occasion you have heard someone say that the children are made of rubber or surely you yourself will have thought about it on occasion when you see one of the falls of your children (those in which we would break a leg or a arm and they come out safe and sound).

Well, in addition to resisting falls like nobody else, they are amazing survivors and they show it to us when a natural disaster occurs and after several hours or days they appear alive. In those moments you realize how strong they can be and such news usually generates immense joy, but at the same time a terrible sorrow, for the bad that they have had to go through.

This is what happened a few days ago in Japan, where a father recovered his 4-month-old daughter a few days ago, after being no less than three days among the rubble derived from the tsunami. It is not the first time that something like this happens and you will surely remember some cases:

Some children who were rescued from the rubble

In October 2005, in Balakot, Pakistan, a baby was rescued from the rubble after an earthquake that left about 40,000 dead. The baby was a week missing.

In August 2007, in Pisco, Peru, they found a 10-month-old baby unharmed in the rubble of the San Clemente church, seven hours after a strong earthquake knocked her down. The man who found him said: “I thought he was dead, I picked him up carefully and noticed that his heart was beating. I cleaned it and there it began to sneeze and cry. "

In February 2008, in Castalian Springs, Tennessee, an eleven-month-old baby was found by a firefighter more than a hundred meters from his home, several hours after terrible tornadoes left a bleak landscape. The firefighter explained that in principle he considered him "a doll", but that he quickly realized that he was moving his mouth and as soon as he took it the baby broke into tears.

In January 2010, in Haiti, where an earthquake shook the area, a girl of only 13 days of life was rescued, after eight days in the rubble of his house, which is for me the most surprising case, both for the age of the girl and for the days that passed.

In the same month and also in Haiti, an 18-month-old girl was rescued after spending 3 days in the rubble. His cries gave the alarm signal to the people around him.

In January 2011, in Nova Friborg, Rio de Janeiro, a baby was rescued next to his father, who was hugged in mud and debris, 15 hours after a flood demolished his house.

A great joy, but also a great shame

It is certainly a great joy to find missing babies alive, especially when their parents, when they are alive, believe that their children, who gave life days or months ago, are not. However, it is a great shame (less than joy, of course), to think about how these babies will have lived these experiences.

Some they have become several hours, others even days, and not a few, but up to eight days. Days of hunger, of dirt, of smells, of cold, of pain, of thirst, of inconsolable cries, of suffering, of boredom, of unhealed wounds, of loneliness ... What joy, yes, but what a pity, poor little ones.

We are excited to see the image of the father with his girl in his arms (at the head of the entrance) although the father's face shakes our consciences. He couldn't just celebrate his meeting, because They immediately warned that a new tsunami could make an appearance.

By the way, if you want to make a contribution to lend a hand to the Japanese people, you can do it through the Red Cross platform.

Video: Shaken Baby Syndrome: The Survivors (July 2024).