"Enjoy life more" without children

A few days ago I made an analysis of two car ads that presented the same plot line: a group of men and a baby in the car. Today I will comment on another announcement that also has men and cars as protagonists, but from a different point of view: Men without children enjoy life more.

As you can imagine, I don't like the perspective of this announcement as much as the previous ones presented by parents who, although with their “flaws”, looked after their children, and now we will see why. This is the announcement of Renault Clio in which several men wait for their children upon leaving school, I imagine you know him at least in Spain because he has been broadcasting for several months.

The starting point seemed interesting, although somewhat unreal, so many parents at the door of the school! Who else who least knows that, in reality, most of the people who are going to pick up the children are the mothers and grandmothers or grandparents.

But finally an ad breaks the topic and introduces us to that Most parents who will pick up their children to school. However, soon my joy would be plunged into a well ...

In the images we see, cars and men line up in front of the school, children appear in droves, presumably all men are parents and one by one they receive their children with effusive hugs.

Except one, who looks younger than the rest, wears jeans, does not wear a tie and that when everything indicates that he is going to take a child that came from the teacher's hand ... the little one passes by and the hug and the Kiss of lovers is given by the boy and the girl.

Of course, under the stunned look of the rest of men-fathers (by the way, most with less hair than the lucky) that, as the ad wants to show us, come with envy that effusive encounter between the couple. With envy, and with a silly face… To top it off, the young man throws a gesture of superiority at his parents as if saying “there you stay, pardillos, I leave with my girl”.

The message they chose as the campaign motto leaves no doubt: “Enjoy life more”.

The image of fatherhood that emerges from the announcement

What do we have to assume before this? That men with children do not enjoy their cars, have a boring life, do not give effusive kisses with their women, that these are not as attractive as the teacher ...? Are men with more serious children, with less hair, not wearing jeans? Are there no dads or moms as young and great as the protagonists of the ad?

Anyway, a series of topics that are determined by the recipient of advertising, that sector of younger men who still do not think about having a family, which does not take away so that the rest we find this vision of fatherhood inappropriate that follows from the announcement (it is what everyone has to watch on TV, that we can criticize what is addressed to us, and what is not).

By the way, that in the English version the motto is "Expect more from adult life", “Expect more from adult life”, a slogan also quite badly focused, in my opinion, since it directly relates adult life and parenthood with fewer achievements, more limits, narrow expectations ... while that life adult more "wide" would include beautiful girls, no children, party and cool cars, of course. More than adult life would not be an extended adolescence?

The second part of the ad

In case we had doubts about the couple kissing are marriages or have children, there is a second part of the Renault Clio campaign that we have not seen in Spain but confirms that they are only boyfriends.

The announcement continues to refer to the fun and “madness” of those who have no other responsibilities, as if singing in the car was only typical of young single children without children (curiously, Renault will also show us that this is not the case, in the announcement of the Scénic that we commented).

Surely "singles" we did, but who has not sung crazy with their children any children's song in the car? We will return to this and a fun announcement that you recently discovered ...

The motto of this second announcement, more neutral in the sense that we analyze because it does not touch on the issue of fatherhood, is “Life is too short to be boring”, "Life is too short to be boring". What was said: party, fun and dismemberment while you are young (it is understood, it is one of the premises of the ads that are aimed at those young children without family).

In short, in the first announcement of the Clio we have the impression that having children is a border from which the illusion, independence, fun, emotions ... and even if these concepts are modified, we know that it's not like that.

I do not know if children enjoy life more or less, that will depend on what each one understands to enjoy, their priorities and principles, the moment of life in which they are. Recently Lola brought us a post that reflected on whether having children gives happiness.

Surely, with children enjoy yourself in a different way, many of us think that more intense and better, although surely there are also who enjoys life more without children and I am not here to judge them ... as it seems that it does judge (and sentence) those who have children this announcement.

Video: Mean Tweets Hip Hop Edition (July 2024).