Carlos González: "Nursery school is not necessary for children"

Following the video interview fragments to Carlos Gonzalez that we have already offered you on other occasions I bring you a video in which the pediatrician explains his opinion about nursery schools.

There are many mothers who verbalize that they take their children to the nursery because they are doing very well and in the same way there are many mothers who have heard on some occasion the recommendation or advice to take it to one so that it is scattered and more prepared.

I am one of the parents of the second group and the truth is that, as I always say, the advice you have to listen to them all, but following them is already a personal option. And who insists, stops respecting (and in the absence of respect, one responds or stops listening). I say this because it is not pleasant to be called irresponsible for not pointing a two-year-old child to a daycare center.

Well, back to the topic, the pediatrician comments that nursery school is not necessary for children, but they are a solution to a problem: that there is no one who can take care of the care of children.

“But they do sneak a lot!

On more than one occasion I have received as an argument the "but if they are a bit awful" or I have read something similar in some article, like "what your child will learn to do when he goes to kindergarten".

I agree. In the nursery, children are very scared, but that does not mean that the child who is in the care of their mother becomes less frightened. The logic says that a child whose care ratio is 1: 1 (an adult for a child) will receive more attention and encouragement than one who is part of a ratio (1: 8), which is what marks the Spanish law until twelve months or that (1:12), in children over twelve months.

Evidently there will always be exceptions (Mothers who have the child sitting in the hammock all day, for example, that I have unfortunately known to some) or nursery schools that take little care of the children or who, in the same way, do not barely remove them from their hammocks.

As a priori the exceptions must be minorities (I hope), the comparison should be made in usual care and treatment situations: the mother attends to her child whenever she can and offers her stimuli and games to help her develop and the caregiver does the same with the children in charge, with the difference that she has to take care of eight, not one. As Carlos González says, it's almost impossible to take care of octillizos (or at least treat them like a mother would).

With regard to everything a child learns when he goes to school, which is a lot, it goes without saying that children who do not go also learn it. I remember that reading an article of that type ("he will start picking up the fork, he will walk, he will play with this or that, he will say x words, ...") and listening to mothers tell how well the nursery has done because "now it does this and that ”I have noticed how absurd it is to blame the nursery for such learning. My son, without going to daycare, learned the same! Children who are at home also walk, they also eat with a fork or spoon, they also control their sphincters, too ...

If you really thought about children ...

If the argument of taking the children to the nursery as a benefit for them were true, someone would have to do something about it and fight for the conditions of the workers in the children's centers.

Early childhood is probably the most decisive time when it comes to emotional development. Children also get stressed and the more they do when they are little (crying without being cared for, feeling alone, etc.) the worse they will manage stress and anxiety in adulthood and the worse self-esteem they will have.

The logical thing then is that, as explained in the video Carlos Gonzalez, the professionals who work educating and taking care of the children had the best salaries and the best conditions to work at ease, in an environment prepared and suitable for children, with very low ratios to care for children as they deserve and making them feel respected and loved. If that were the case, it would be of little importance if mom or another person took care of her (although there is only one mother, let's not forget it) but of course, in this case, it would not be necessary to take the children to a nursery school, because salaries and facilities would cost so much money that there would be no way to afford it.

Thinking then about the children and what is best for them, the logical thing would be to help parents more and more so that one of the two (usually the mother) could stay in the care of their child until he entered school .

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In Babies and more | In the nursery or at home ?, Should we go to the nursery to prepare for school ?, 300,000 new nursery places: is this the way?