Know the sex of the baby on the first ultrasound

We can only confirm if we will have a boy or girl when the ultrasound image allows us to identify the baby's genitals, usually in the second trimester of pregnancy, but although we did not know it until now, it could also know the sex of the baby on the first ultrasound.

Most often, three ultrasounds are performed throughout pregnancy: in the first trimester around week 12, in the second trimester at week 20, and in the third trimester around week 36. In some cases, also A first ultrasound is done to confirm the pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy, in which the implantation, the heartbeat and the number of embryos are observed.

However, an investigation conducted in Canada by gynecologist Saad Ramzi ensures that a marker that determines the sex of the baby with 97% reliability can be found on the first ultrasound even if his genitals are not seen. The key is in the position of the placenta with respect to the fetus.

He analyzed the ultrasounds performed on more than 5,376 pregnant women, of whom 22 percent underwent a transvaginal ultrasound at 6 weeks gestation.

Found that 97.2 percent of the children presented the placenta or chorionic villi (tissue that helps in the formation of the placenta) on the right side of the uterus, while 97.5 percent of the girls had it on the left.

Later, between weeks 18 and 20 of pregnancy, by transabdominal ultrasound the sex of the babies was confirmed 98-99 percent of the cases, ratifying what he had observed weeks before.

It is not known why male embryos could be implanted on one side of the uterus and female embryos on another, and although there are women who prefer not to know the sex of the baby until the time of delivery, the Ramzi method, according to the researcher himself, It can be considered “highly effective” for know the sex of the baby in the first weeks of pregnancy.

Video: Pregnancy Tips : How to Identify a Boy or a Girl in Pregnancy (July 2024).