What to do if a tooth is broken?

Children are great explorers, restless and curious, and sometimes their desire to climb, climb or run can bring us some fright. How to act if the child breaks a tooth?

In case of trauma that has caused the fracture of the crown of the tooth, the dentist must be consulted (even if it is milk teeth), which will examine the affected area and determine the appropriate treatment.

We should not think that being a milk tooth the break does not matter, because not only can it create an aesthetic problem, but also difficulty chewing and moving the jaw, and internal damage to the dental piece, if it is not detected, It can cause health problems.

After the impact and care for the child, you should look find the fractured tooth fragment or fragments, since the pediatric dentist can hook it to the tooth. If the fracture is not clean, you have to look for the various resulting tooth fragments because they are likely to be used as well.

If the tooth has received a blow (even if it is mild), it may also be that it moves from the place; also in this case it is necessary to go to the dental office and control the tooth remotely over time. This control is necessary to control the vitality of the tooth, in case it has been damaged internally.

In the hospital, they may decide to do an x-ray to the child to check the extent of the injury, if the blow only affects the dentin and the piece does not lose the blood supply or if, on the contrary, the root has deteriorated because it receives little blood supply, with which the tooth will spoil.

Therefore, in any case, before a dental trauma, if the child breaks a tooth You should immediately go to the dentist's office, taking the tooth fragment with us in a glass of water or with physiological serum. And we remember that to have strong and healthy teeth, proper oral hygiene is necessary since they are little.