"Parlacta", breastfeeding and pregnancy photography contest

Parla City Council has convened its third Breastfeeding and Pregnancy Photographic Contest. It has been announced now and the reception of the images will be from September 1 to 30, while the jury's decision will be made public on October 16.

Until now the contest "Parlacta" was only aimed at breastfeeding but this year will also include photos of pregnancy, so the possibility of participating is extended to all pregnant moms. The idea is to reach them to make them aware of the importance of having a good breastfeeding training to be able to breastfeed your child when he is born.

The prizes are not monetary: they include breast pumps and hygiene products for the mother and the baby, but surely the jackpot is to collaborate with the promotion of breastfeeding and participate making the photos with great enthusiasm.

The promotion of breastfeeding support groups and official bodies usually includes the realization of exhibitions and art and photography competitions. Yesterday we announced one that carries out the association “De Mare a Mare” of Alcoy. Well today I encourage you to participate in this one too.

The truth is that I would be very excited that one of our readers told us that she won one of the awards of this breastfeeding and pregnancy photography contest.

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (May 2024).