Caring for a baby who cries a lot without losing his nerve

One of the things that all parents want is to learn to take care of a baby who cries a lot without losing his temper. Our sweet and adorable baby makes us fall in love, his smiles and carantos fill us with happiness and peace. It is wonderful. But it's not always like that, sometimes babies complain, cry, scream and it seems that nothing makes them happy. And that makes our happiness suffer and we end up overwhelmed and exhausted. In the end, we will lose our nerves if this lasts a long time, we think. We want to scream and cry too.

The child continues to cry and his parents, overwhelmed, fail to discover that he wants to communicate. It's frustrating. And desperate. Since no one has taught us anything about how babies communicate, it occurs to me that doing some checks can help rule out causes of crying. Breathing deeply and calmly, we will try to find out what can happen to the baby who cries a lot.

The first thing we will do is offer you food, breast or bottle. Even if it is not "your time" a baby may be hungry. We should start with this check. If this is not what happens, we will look for other causes.

Hunger and discomfort when eating

Keep in mind that the baby who has a lot hungry You can start it wrong, rejecting food, kicking. Calm down, without forcing, we have to give you the chance to calm down, avoiding that if you take very anxiously swallow too much air.

There are babies who complain a lot and the cause is not in hunger, but in food. Intolerance to cow's milk proteins causes a lot of discomfort. There are moms who eliminate dairy products of your diet and the general condition of your baby improves greatly. Those who give a bottle should consult with the pediatrician to rule out this cause if the child suffers from stomach discomfort and is usually complaining regularly.

Breastfed babies may seem to reject the breast if they are hungry. It usually happens, if we have a very congested chest, it is too hard for you to breastfeed comfortably. Do not let a baby cry from hunger, usually give previous signs, such as looking with the mouth, sniffing our chest or biting our hands. If we notice that it does not grip well because of the hardness of the chest, which can happen at the beginning especially, it is better to relieve tension with a gentle manual removal, after which it will be easier to catch on.

A baby, especially if breast, may be hungry shortly after finishing the previous shot. You have to forget the clock and breastfeed in total free demand.


The second possibility, if you are not hungry, is the child is uncomfortable in the position in which we have it, especially if we are not carrying it in that moment. If it is in your arms, moving it is instinctive and when the child stops twisting and crying, it is probably already more comfortable.

If we have it in a crib, let's get close. A change in your position It can already relieve him and that will be enough, but usually the child will want us to take it out and lift it in our arms. It is simple and usually very effective. What can happen is that you do not want to go back to the crib, scream if we try and even wake up if, back to sleep, we put it. The message is very clear, does not want a crib. It is normal for babies to feel happy and safe in their arms.


We should confirm if the temperature It is adequate. The child, if it is cold or hot, will also cry. Inside the house children will need the right clothes and if we have not removed their hat or shoes, they will logically be uncomfortable. If it is too warm, you will sweat, and we can verify it by touching your neck. If you are cold, the crying will stop when you wrap it and your little hands will no longer be frozen.

Diaper and gases

So, if the crying persists, we must continue investigating. An obvious possibility is that you have the diaper spotted or a leak of pee. Then we will see if it can be a gas that bothers you, for which we can help you by changing your posture: on the shoulder, on the knees, raising the little legs bent or doing a gentle massage in the belly with our hand.

The diaper, in addition to being stained, can bother if it has been badly placed and a wrinkle or a hitch rubs the baby's skin. In addition, it should be borne in mind that diapers, especially disposable ones, can cause skin irritations and these are extremely annoying, even painful. Leaving the child with the ass in the air and taking care of his skin will then be the measures that will relieve him.

Need to be in arms

For many babies it is very soothing to be wrapped, that makes them feel protected and if we also carry them attached to our body in arms or in a baby carrier, the effect is wonderful. Children who are usually ported tend to cry much less and are a bit of practice we can continue with many activities taking it on top of us, which has been the traditional way of having children cared for. Putting them in the crib is not necessary for them or for us, especially if the child cries a lot and usually.


But babies not only have physical needs, emotional and communicative ones are also very important and we must attend to them with the same speed. We will see in the next topic about caring for a baby who cries a lot without losing his temper how to calm it down if we have physically ruled out the most obvious causes.

Video: Nurse Gets Creative While Administering Shots to Nervous Kid (May 2024).