Nine out of ten teenagers between 14 and 16 have a social media profile

Yesterday we presented the data of the study, "The Tic and its influence on the socialization of adolescents", carried out by Fad, Google and BBVA under the "Connected Project", to analyze the use that teenagers make of new technologies.

The research, which was carried out with 1,624 students between 14 and 16 years old, has yielded important data, such as the intensive and habitual use that teenagers make of mobile phones, the importance of opening their own profile in social networks, and the need for a greater involvement and education by parents and teachers.

Eight out of ten teenagers make intensive use of the mobile

According to the study, almost 84% of Spanish teenagers admit to doing mobile use regularly and intensively. Of them, more than 75% say they look at it constantly, and 15% admit to doing so even when they are in class.

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Among the uses that give this electronic device stand out above all:

  • Listen to music

  • Browse the Internet for information to document school work, but also to have fun

  • Relationship with other people through social networks and blogs

  • Participate in online games

Each social network is used with a purpose

Among the various uses that adolescents make of the Internet, the management of social networks and the creation of an own profile; something that has nine out of ten children between 14 and 16 years.

For teenagers, social networks are essential to introduce themselves to others and make them feel safe within the group. In addition, they consider that each social network has a different purpose.

In this way, Instagram would be used to publish photos and be seen, YouTube to consume content and feel fan, Twitter to follow the publications of their idols, Facebook as a gaming platform and contact with distant friends, and WhatsApp for daily communication with friends and relatives.

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But despite the benefits of social networks, teenagers are also aware of their limitations and negative aspects, such as insecurity that causes them to expose themselves and not receive a response, receive it but this is not expected, or even receive rejection messages.

In addition, they feel that the images offered by social networks have little to do with the reality of people, and 84.5% of teenagers believe that people lie more on the Internet than in face-to-face communication.

Education is key, and parents and teachers have a lot to contribute

But one of the highlights of the study is the perception that adolescents have about the little information related to the good use of ICT, which they receive from both their parents and teachers.

In this regard, it should be noted that although there are more and more schools that encourage the use of new communication technologies, students consider that little is spoken about cybersecurity and critical thinking.

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So, and as can be seen in the study chart, parents and teachers we suspend When it comes to explaining to our teenagers why some pages are safer than others, to suggest how they can improve security when they surf the web, or to be interested in what they do when they are on the Internet.

There is no doubt that ICTs are transforming the world, and that there is already a whole generation born under this important influence. Its use implies undoubted advantages and great possibilities, but also provides important challenges and challenges that parents and teachers should know how to face.

Because our children are not born knowing, and media literacy should be one of the priorities, both at home and in the classroom.

Photos | iStock

Video: Parents Create Fake Profile To Catch Out Their Teenage Daughter. I Catfished My Kid (July 2024).