Gamer therapy, chemo playing flies by

For days I want to talk about Gamer therapy, a fantastic initiative that deserves to be disseminated because the beneficiaries are the children who are fighting cancer in a hospital.

Gamer therapy, under the motto of the chemo playing flies by It is responsible for collecting PLAYs, PSPs, Nintendos, xBox and all types of consoles used to make the chemotherapy sessions of children suffering from cancer more bearable.

Surely several of you will have at home some video game console that you do not use or use little to which you can give a good end. This organization makes them reach the children's oncology areas of the hospitals, thus getting a smile to the children subjected to long and exhausting treatments.

A detail that I loved is that a connection is created between the donor of the console and the sick child. Each console is delivered with a sticker with the data of the person who has delivered it so that the child can thank you with a call, an email, a drawing, a photo, or whatever.

It is a laudable project with which I will collaborate as soon as I can. I have a console gathering dust at home that will soon be entertaining a child in a hospital room. I hope to contribute to improve your recovery.

Video: Video: One-time chemotherapy treatment drops bladder cancer recurrence significantly (July 2024).