Highlights in Babies and more: from February 8 to 14

Today, like every Monday, we bring you a summary with Babies highlights and more This week. During these 7 days we have discussed various topics and among them one of the most fun children, the Carnival.

We have shown various costumes, such as the homemade owl costume for babies, that of "Up": with the house in tow and the homemade costume for babies: Pan flute.

We have also explained step by step how to make Spider-man's face makeup and how to make the butterfly face makeup that can be complemented with butterfly wings.

With regard to Valentine's Day, which was yesterday, we talked about how life changes when we are parents and what it is to live a Valentine with children. Regarding pregnancy, we have brought to our readers topics such as the one that says that the points are better than the staples in the caesarean section, the invitation to reflection in Caesarean section or vaginal delivery with episiotomy? and even a new chapter of the Networks program, which states that the emotional state of the pregnant woman must improve in order to improve society.


A recent study explains the relationship between autism and high amount of testosterone in the amniotic fluid and we have also known that the older the mother, the greater the risk of autism.

We have tried other points of view trying to promote the participation of readers and readings, asking if we want our children according to the birth we have and if you take care less in the second pregnancy.

As for babies we have talked again about those considered "high demand", at the entrance called high demand babies: taking the stroller for a walk, we have touched again the issue of bottled waters and to know which are the most Suitable for babies.

Finally, we have talked about how difficult it is to sometimes deal with a couple and with children in: In love and with children, is it possible ?, we have commented on the different types of twins that exist and we have known what are the chances of having twins.

We hope that this week the contents of Babies and more find them interesting, enjoyable and useful.