High demand babies: taking the stroller for a walk

A few days ago we talked about those moments when, because of having very demanding babies, we ended up doing things like going to the WC with them.

Today I comment on another situation in which we have met many parents: take the stroller for a walk, or to give him the air.

Choosing stroller

During pregnancy women and their partners spend hours looking for information on the items they will buy. He pram It is one of them and, having so many models to choose from, there may be several web pages consulted, catalogs browsed and various visits to stores made in order to make a decision.

You value issues such as weight, measures when it is open, measures when it is closed, if it opens and closes easily, if you will need all the accessories of the stroller (carrycot, chair, “egg” or umbrella) and you have in tell the aesthetic issue and the color just in case in the future you have another child of a different sex.

Anyway, after the doctoral thesis to choose pram and after buying it, which is not usually cheap, you realize, when several months have passed, that you could resell it as new, since all you have done with him is take him out for walks.

You probably think that I talk about walks with the baby inside. Well, normally the first few weeks are like that, however there comes a time, sometimes sooner than later, when the baby decides to end his motorized adventure (well, rather than motorized we should talk about “adventure with animal-powered vehicles” ) and you stay in pictures when you see that all the time you spent choosing a stroller was of little use, because your son doesn't want to go in it.

Adventures and misadventures

"Loola, honey, I want Loola," he told me. And the Loola we buy. He was 3 or 4 weeks in it and soon began to cry every time we left him in the stroller.

That's how Jon ended up in a baby carrier backpack. But the change is not from one day to another, because you are a first-time father and you think it is something temporary, that all children like their strollers.

In fact, you walk down the street and observe that all babies go quietly in their cart, sleeping, playing with something or just looking around.

So you think that soon your baby will be the same and that's why you insist on going out day after day to walk putting your son in the pram. Day after day, although at 30 meters you have to take it in your arms or put it in your backpack. Day after day.

And I remember seeing myself, as if it were yesterday, with my month-old son in my arms and my wife pushing the pram, walking down the street watching the children of other mothers stay awake in their strollers without saying nor and thinking: “But why can't ours be that calm?

And I also remember my wife, going out for a walk alone with him, with the boy hanging on the backpack and taking the stroller for a walk.

The day Jon fell asleep in the stroller

And one good day, having Jon about 16-18 months, Miriam called me:

-They do not know? Jon has fallen asleep in the stroller in the street.

Loola had been retired for a long time and we decided to buy a lighter one, called umbrella, because, since we are going to push an empty stroller (although less and less), unless it does not weigh and is manageable.

And Jon was gradually accepting the new chair and spent more time sitting on it, although he often got tired and asked to be held in his arms.

And one day, as I have explained to you, they must have intimated or taken trust in a chair and child, because Jon spent more time in it and ended up falling asleep. Something unusual that we never believed (nor expected anymore) to happen.

To dads with brand new strollers

So serve this message for all those parents who, having a baby of several months, realize that they have the pram practically unreleased, not by choice, but because of how little their children like to go there.

You are not alone. I know it's strange to see that most babies spend more than two minutes in the pram without saying anything, that many are up awake and do not cry, but do not despair, in arms and backpacks (or foulard or pouch or whatever) go divinely and the pram It ends up being the most modern shopping cart in the place, so that's what you get.

Photos | Flickr - Gamma-Ray Productions, hyku
In Babies and more | High demand babies, High demand babies: go to the WC with the child in your arms