Calm baby crying

When our baby cries inconsolably, once confirmed that he is not hungry, sleepy or wet, we can offer some solutions that can help you feel comforted. Let's see some things we can try to soothe the baby's cry

Let's think that the human baby is born, so to speak, ahead of time. The size of our brain, and therefore of the head, makes it necessary for our creatures to be born when their development still does not allow them autonomous communication. Crying, therefore, fulfills this function at the beginning of his life.

But not always crying Responds to basic care. When these needs for food, sleep or comfort are covered, the child may continue to cry. Most of the time they respond well to physical contact, because it is through the body that they feel our protection and tenderness. The first option is to take it in your arms.

Since the child, in the womb, felt content and surrounded by our body, reproducing the uterine sensations is a very useful way to offer comfort.

Wrap baby

Wrap baby It is an ancestral custom that many cultures have maintained. We don't usually do it but there are techniques to learn it. The baby's wrapping consists in surrounding her body with a square blanket, making sure that her little arms and legs are inside the cooing. At the beginning he will continue to cry but soon he will calm down.

Lay it on us

Another thing we can try is lay the baby on our belly, letting you feel our skin and our smell. It is not a suitable position for us to sleep but for the child to relax.

White noise

The white noise, which we have already talked about, also has a calming effect. If we try to imagine the sounds that came in the womb we can get an idea of ​​what he was used to hearing, it is about White noise.

A soft and muffled mixture of external sounds, the mother's voice, the heartbeat and the movement of our organs, would add up creating a deaf symphony.

Very soft to make the sound we use to silence, "shshshhhhh", it is very relaxing for them, it is as if the liquid in which they lived nine months sings for them again. It is not necessary to murmur, but neither to shout it, it will only be enough to do it near him in the tone necessary for him to hear it. Sweet and affectionate words can be interspersed.

Background noise from a poorly tuned radio or even a vacuum cleaner or a hair dryer is also nice for some babies.


Another technique we can try is the swinging. When the baby was in the womb, it did not remain in a receptacle without movement, but rather its body received the cushioned stimuli of our movements. When walking he moved gently floating in the amniotic fluid and reproducing these sensations as much as possible is very pleasant for the newborn.

In addition to taking it in the arms and cradling it rhythmically, we can try to provide that feeling of swinging in another way. Sitting, with the feet slightly apart and the knees together, we will place the baby on his stomach or side, and move rhythmically, quickly but delicately the legs together.

Non-nutritive suction

Of course we can not ignore the best solutions offered by the baby's own nature to calm down, suction. Sucking not only serves to feed, it is also a sensation that comforts the child, possible by representing the maximum physical connection with his mother through breastfeeding.

Offering the breast even if we are sure that the child is not hungry is the best of the techniques we can offer to calm the baby. Maman and that will make some milk sprout, even a few drops, and gives them a warm feeling of calm.

Letting the child catch on to the breast is also valid in some cases even if we do not have milk and the child is fed with the bottle. A breast that does not give milk is still the same soft object that can suck and serve to calm the baby.

I have offered my breast to babies of my friends who were absent at that time, always, of course, with the permission of their mother, and it has been surprisingly very effective. It may seem strange if we have never done so, but the habit of breastfeeding or calming other women's children is something that in other cultures does not attract as much attention as ours.

If the child has been recently weaned this may work very well, or on the contrary, make him angry if he expects a milk that does not sprout. Each child reacts differently. If the mother wishes to try, there is nothing to prevent it, everything depends on her and her son, both should feel comfortable with this solution. If the mother feels uncomfortable it can be counterproductive and should not be forced.

We can also resort to the pacifier, which offers a way to fill your need for soothing suction, and it is always better to offer it in arms, with all the tenderness and accompanying it with eye contact.


Anyway, each child is different and what one helps may not please another. Everything consists of listening to him and respecting his needs, attentive to his reactions and offering different possibilities until he finds the one that best suits him. With these ideas each family can find the best way to soothe the baby's cry