A very musical kitchen

I found this website in which children can make their first steps composing simple and curious musical pieces. On the Exploratorium page we find a kitchen with surprises. We can choose three types of objects that fill that kitchen: typical kitchen appliances, musical instruments or surreal objects that we would never find in that room of the house ...

Whatever our choice (we must experiment with all), objects always produce a characteristic sound when you place the mouse on top. If we give "On" the sound continues, and we can add the sounds of other objects, accumulating the ones we want. The sound of a glass of wine when you run your finger over the edge, the ticking of a clock, an accordion, the whistle of a snake, a robot, some maracas ...

Actually we are facing a fun game that tests the sense of rhythm and imagination of the little ones. I invite you to explore this fun musical kitchen with your children to make the most curious combinations of objects and sounds. With a little rhythm, surely a beautiful piece comes out.

Official Site | Exploratorium In Babies and more | Funny classical music for children, Little musicians: learn with Sol and Tempo, Musical education, very suitable for children

Video: Funny Musical Waiter. Rudy Mancuso (July 2024).