Treasury is already making the IRPF return of maternity and paternity benefits

If you have received a maternity or paternity benefit in 2014 or 2015, you may have already requested that the Treasury return the IRPF you paid in your corresponding statement.

And if so, have you checked if you have already received an answer? As we have been informed by the Tax Agency this morning, AEAT began last Wednesday (December 5) to return the personal income tax paid in maternity benefits and fatherhood

They have not yet provided figures on how many applications they have received or what amount has been returned so far, although they have assured that they will provide them shortly.

In case you still do not know, on Monday, December 3, a specific form was enabled on the website of the Tax Agency to process the refund, after ruling the Supreme Court that these benefits were exempt from personal income tax.

In Babies and more This is the form to claim the return of the IRPF of your maternity or paternity benefit

All returns made before April

At the moment, from the Treasury they claim to continue shuffling the forecasts advanced by the Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, last week:

  • There are a million potential beneficiaries

  • 1,200 million euros in returns

  • € 1,600 average return for mothers

  • 383 euros average return for parents

They also remind us that the return request is open for the years 2014 and 2015 and that in January it will open for 2016 and 2017.

In addition, those who have collected the benefit in 2018 do not have to do anything, since "The AEAT will directly deduct the tax when the taxpayer makes the declaration next year."

And they keep keeping the deadlines. They ensure that they intend to return everything (from the benefits of the year 2014 to those of 2017) before the next Income campaign begins (April of next year).

In this AEAT link you will find answers to any questions that may arise about whether or not you have the right to request a refund, as well as all the information necessary to complete the form.

In Babies and more How can you request your return of the IRPF of maternity and paternity in the fastest and easiest way

And remember that the claim is very simple: you only have to provide your personal data, year in which you enjoyed the paid permit and account number where you want to be made the deposit.

You should not provide any Social Security certificate, since the Treasury has that information.

Photos | iStock

Video: Who is Steven Mnuchin? United States Secretary of the Treasury. NowThis (July 2024).