May 24, National Epilepsy Day

Today May 24 National Epilepsy Day is celebrated, and as a fundamental objective those affected want to eliminate the false myths that exist in society about one of the most common neurological diseases, since up to 70% of epileptics have a full life and without crisis.

In Spain alone there are about 400,000 affected by epilepsy and 20,000 new cases are diagnosed every year. In the world you can talk about 50 million cases. But what is most striking about this disease is the great ignorance and the old stigmas and false myths of the past that are not overcome.

There are many types of epilepsies, and what we understand by "common epilepsies" are the majority, which respond to the usual drugs. There is another group of patients, 30%, for whom these drugs are not effective and continue to suffer from uncontrolled seizures.

On this day, those affected and their families also want to highlight the importance of early diagnosis, for which more research is needed, more medical specialists in this pathology and epilepsy units in hospitals. No doubt necessary steps for greater acceptance, knowledge and treatment of the disease.

In this National Epilepsy Day Different events have been held throughout Spain with the aim of bringing this disease closer to the general population, with talks, informative tents ... A grain of sand that we hope will make a great construction.

Video: JEEWITHAYATA IDAK EP 416 National Epilepsy Day 2019 (July 2024).