"Shelter", a film about the paternity of a homosexual man

Our companions of the blog Ambiente G recommend us a movie that I haven't taken long to see, "Shelter". Although the topics covered are varied it is a precious plea of ​​family love and the commitment that is acquired by caring for a child, a commitment to oneself, the future and love. Talk about the paternity of a homosexual man.

In his treatment of the challenges and feelings of fatherhood he is very emotional and very real. The peculiarity of this work is that the protagonist, the man who takes over the task of fatherhood, is homosexual, and his partner joins him in the wonderful adventure of raising and caring for a child.

The debate on the paternity of gay couples It is still in force in Spanish society, which partly meets sectors that maintain that a child needs a heterosexual family to grow in a balanced way.

However, reality itself shows us that in fact there are thousands of families in which these conditions do not occur and that they are able to provide a happy childhood and adequate training for their children, whether biological or adopted.

Really worth seeing "Shelter" and reflect on what is really necessary to be a good father: attention, commitment, sensitivity and listening ability. And that has little to do with the sexual orientation.

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (May 2024).