My experience with pediatricians little friends of school and breastfeeding (II)

He dream, that if they could not understand that where my son slept was a private matter, as personal as if they slept or not with their partner. At first I justified myself, claiming the studies and books that defend that the dream is an evolutionary process and that the colecho is a practice that humanity has always carried out until a little less than 100 years ago in Western society.

It did not matter. That my son slept in bed with the elders would create all kinds of traumas and piscological and psychiatric problems, as well as a confused sexual identity. And although it is too early to say if he is going to like girls or boys, although at the moment he opts for the former in a remarkable way, and although his character looks too much like mine, it is very rare. He is peaceful, with character, he likes to be alone and he likes to play with good friends, he considers himself with the same rights as adults and he asks them if they treat him in a way that he does not believe is appropriate, speaks very well and likes to learn. It is normal, if we consider that not everyone has to like crowds or fuss, but that relates to being my son rather than the way he sleeps.

In the end I learned to take the clueless. If they asked how he slept, I said very well, because he considered that awakenings are natural until a certain age. If they insisted that if he slept in his bed, I was already starting to wander. Of course he sleeps in his bed, where do you want me to put him to sleep, on the floor?

If anyone kept inquiring if it was in his room, of course he does, he sleeps in his room. What they didn't care about is if their room was shared with their parents, it is a personal, cultural and private matter. When he perceived a certain mental openness and only after they indicated how well the child was in all aspects, did he speak of the Colecho and prolonged breastfeeding. It was already late, once my son talked and told things or I provided a psychological report that indicated that his intellectual development is higher than the average age, so that they would annoy us. But if it does not become so, I fear that any behavioral or health problems would have been attributed to the colecho or the little non-human milk he drank.

In the end I have chosen to look for a comprehensive and informed pediatrician who supports attachment breeding. It has been the only way not to make consultations with the doctor an ordeal.

The truth is that not all pediatricians are so little schoolboy friends and breastfeeding, or are so poorly informed, that is why as fathers and mothers, we must assume that the responsibility for the health of our children is ultimately our responsibility and we must inform ourselves as much as possible, contrast sources and defend our children if we believe that The professional is not acting correctly, looking for a more suitable and recycled one whenever possible. I assure you that they exist and every time they are more.

Video: PEDIATRIC NURSING. Tips for Success (July 2024).