Suima crib: the first automatic crib

In Japan, more specifically at Kyuushuu University, they have created a crib called Suima, which promises to be the first automatic crib to calm baby's crying, although personally I believe that there is no technology that surpasses the calming effect of mom and dad's arms.

The robotic cradle has been designed to reassure the baby without the intervention of any human contact, a concept that does not seem very sensitive to me, even if some parents see it as practical.

Thanks to a microphone that brings built-in, when the child cries the crib begins to rock sideways every 1.8 seconds, or what is the same, at the speed of an adult's heartbeat.

I have seen cribs with vibration to reassure the baby (I think there is one from Gracco), there are also hammocks. As a playful effect, although it is not essential for a crib, it can be attractive, but if the goal is to supplant the arms of the parents, I do not like the idea. I think we should always go to attend to the baby's crying, he may need a diaper change, be hungry, cold or just need human warmth.

For now, the "fantastic" cradle, whose design leaves much to be desired, can only be purchased in Japan at a price that is not accessible at around 4,000 euros. Too expensive, on top, to avoid something as nice as comforting the baby.