Homemade Cocoa Cream Recipe

This Sunday afternoon we have done at home homemade cocoa cream (aka "Nocilla") and I liked it so much that I wanted to make the recipe public.

Cocoa cream is one of those foods that, like the petit suisse that I already mentioned last month, have grown with us.

The snack sandwiches with nocilla for snack are engraved in my mind and perhaps because of those good memories that it brings me we always have at home (or almost always) cream of cocoa spread.

In times of crisis it can be a good option for children to eat cocoa, without added preservatives (if there are any ingredients we can not eliminate, of course) and with a very pleasant and sweet taste. The recipe can be made with both the Thermomix and more manually.

The ingredients are as follows:

  • 100 gr. of peeled and toasted hazelnuts
  • 150 gr. of sugar
  • 100 gr. chocolate for desserts
  • 100 gr. white chocolate
  • 100 gr. milk chocolate
  • 200 gr. of whole milk (a glass)
  • 150 gr. sunflower oil

How to make the recipe with the Thermomix

Crush the hazelnuts and sugar at the Thermomix at speed 10 until very thin.

Add the chocolates to the Thermomix glass and crush 20 seconds at speed 9.

We add the milk and the oil and we program 7 minutes at temperature 50º and speed 4.

Finally we put the mixture in containers (gives for about three glasses) and let cool.

How to make the recipe in the traditional way

Crush the hazelnuts with the blender until it is very thin.

We crush the chocolate in the same way and put it in a saucepan with the crushed hazelnuts.

Add milk and oil to the mixture and simmer for a few minutes to melt.

To finish we pass the cream to the containers that we have prepared (gives for about three glasses) and let it cool.

With this we will have cocoa cream for a little time. It all depends on how sweet you are at home and the amount of snacks you have to prepare, of course.

The taste of homemade cocoa cream It is very similar to that of commercial brands although I notice a more "countersunk" flavor. It's going to taste, of course, but I like it better that way.

I hope you like it and also your children.