Home prison for pregnant women and mothers in Argentina

The situation of children living with their mothers in prisons shakes me, as does that of children who grow up without their mothers. Of course, the child has to be with his mother but a prison is not a favorable environment for his development.

In Argentina, they have just announced a law reform that allows prisoners who are pregnant and have children under 5 years to serve their sentence in house prison.

Pregnancy is a stage in which the woman must enjoy the best possible conditions for a good development of the baby. The mother's diet and controls are as important as the emotional situation she lives. Stress and maternal distress affects the baby and it is clear that jail is not an ideal environment for a pregnant woman.

Similarly, a young child needs his mother to forge an emotional bond. You need to grow in a protective, pleasant and familiar environment. The experiences he lives in the first years of life mark his personality, so a priori It seems a very human measure to allow the children of prey to grow with their mothers in their homes.

According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, it is established that “all appropriate measures will be taken to ensure that the child is protected against all forms of discrimination or punishment due to the condition, activities, opinions expressed or beliefs of their children. parents, or their guardians or their relatives "

We all agree that the measure favors unborn babies and children who are not to blame for their mothers' actions, although it worries that it will trigger more crime or that pregnancy will become a freedom insurance for prey.

In any case, this measure will not be fulfilled automatically, that is, the judges will determine in each case if the pregnant woman is able to leave the prison or instead it could be dangerous to release her. I suppose that in that sense the safety of other citizens will be preserved so that the remedy does not become a disease.

Video: My Disability Won't Stop Me from Being a Mom. AJ Shorts (July 2024).