Mobile messages to help you lose weight

New technologies can be used more and more advantages and advantages, and it is good to apply new advances in all fields. The mobile to which we are so hooked, can be used for more things than to call or send sms. Children and teenagers love it and we can take advantage of it.

A research group has proven that children could use a mobile to control their diets and exercise more. Apparently, using the mobile encourages them more and reminds them better what they should do.

They conducted a study in which they controlled obese children between 5 and 13 years old via messages via SMS. In the messages, the child was encouraged to take their food more strictly and encouraged them to move, in addition to congratulating them every time they did something right.

Every day, the children and their parents answered the messages by counting how many hours of gymnastics they had done, if they had been on TV for a long time and if they had had a good diet.

After eight weeks, the results obtained were compared with those of another group of families that had used the usual method, that is, pointing everything in notebooks. Within the group that used the sms channel there were more families that finished the study and it was achieved that they were less time in front of the television.

To improve health, the most important thing is self-control and regulation, and if more fun ways are used for children, we will achieve better results.

Via | 20 minutes
In Babies and more | Mobile phones and children
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