Nature to improve hyperactivity disorders

Personally, I think that a walk in the countryside or in some natural area that is far from the noise and air of the city is highly beneficial for anyone. That is why I am not surprised by this news, which states that Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) improve significantly after a walk in the middle of nature.

Some time ago we saw that hippotherapy, that is, horseback riding, outdoors, was also beneficial for children with this and other behavioral disorders.

Now, a study published in the "Journal of Attention Disorders" shows that after 20-minute walks through parks in the countryside, the children responded better to concentration and attention tests, and this compared to other children who walked through a residential neighborhood or through the urban center.

These statements go along the way recommended by some experts, the treatment of mild hyperactivity without drugs, since according to the specialists in charge of the study, the benefits of that "dose of nature" is equivalent to the effect of an extended dose of Ritalin, one of the most commonly used medications for ADHD.

However, the authors of the study, entitled "Children With Attention Deficits Concentrate Better After Walk in the Park" (Children with Attention Deficit Concentrate Better After a Walk in the Park ") point out that

We are not saying that nature replaces medication, but that it has an effect comparable to the results of the attention tests. Although it is not a cure, we can consider it another tool.

In any case, the benefits of an outdoor walk in the countryside They are also undeniable in these cases. I wish we had it easier today in our society.

Video: Hansa on Medicine: Treating ADHD Without Medication (July 2024).