Reproductive vacations

I do not mean that holidays help to conceive children because we lower the level of stress, which also, (there are even hotels that organize procreation holidays), but to increase in assisted reproduction treatments during the summer season.

The summer months are an ideal period for couples looking to get pregnant using an artificial technique. You have the necessary free time to undergo the treatment, you do not have to give explanations or ask for permission at work and of course the “unplug” of the routine, an essential ingredient to achieve the much desired pregnancy.

The trend is increasing among Spaniards, as well as among foreign couples, mainly Italian, English and French, who take advantage to practice reproductive tourism, that is, to combine a visit to the country with fertility treatments.

Spain is the paradise of reproductive tourism, either because of the famous reputation of some of its centers as well as the legislation on assisted reproduction, much more convenient than in other European countries.

In addition, doctors recommend tranquility and relaxation, two requirements that usually coincide when we are on vacation.

The economic factor also influences. The money that many families spend on their summer vacations, some couples use it to make the dream of becoming parents a reality because the treatments are not cheap, they can be around 600 to 4,500 euros.

Hence, summer is ideal to relax, tan and also procreate.

Video: NEET TEST - Human Reproduction (July 2024).