The first baby of the United Kingdom conceived by vitrification is born

About a year ago we have begun to talk in Babies and more of this new technique of assisted reproduction that is spreading all over the world. Unlike conventional freezing, vitrification is a freezing process with liquid nitrogen that prevents ice crystals from thawing to damage the embryo.

That is why it has begun to be implemented in cases where couples decide to leave frozen embryos waiting for the appropriate time for pregnancy, or for women with diseases such as cancer, allowing them to preserve healthy embryos before undergoing a aggressive treatment

The truth is that the first babies conceived through this innovative technique are being born, and a few days ago, specifically Evie was born on July 23, the first baby product of vitrification in the United Kingdom.

It is the first of a long list of children who will be born in that country thanks to vitrification because of 39 patients undergoing this technique, 17 have become pregnant with twins.

As we can see, science continues to make leaps and bounds to make many couples realize the dream of being parents, in an increasingly safe way. Another question is whether it is natural (except for cases of disease) to freeze the embryos while waiting for the ideal time to become parents.