Cardiopulmonary resuscitation courses for parents of babies at risk of sudden death

We have talked several times about the factors related to sudden infant death syndrome but never about what to do in the event that it unfortunately touches us.

The Rotger Clinic in Palma de Mallorca has launched a great initiative teaching cardiopulmonary resuscitation courses for family members of babies who were born in the center, have remained in intensive care and have increased risk of experiencing a sudden death episode.

They have already taught two families (parents, a father and a grandmother) in a completely personalized way how to perform resuscitation maneuvers in the event that the baby suffered a cardiac arrest. The experts clarify that it is necessary to act within the first 4 minutes, since then a brain injury can occur.

The first thing, they say, is to have peace of mind so that things can be done well. Then, in broad strokes, what needs to be done is to open the airway by pulling back the baby's head, check that he breathes, ventilate by mouth-to-mouth, check the pulse and start the cardiac massage until the emergency services arrive .

Of course, it is a very important prevention that all parents should know how to do. How to act at that moment is essential because our baby's life is at stake, the better prepared we are, the better we can react. It would be interesting if courses of this type were taught in childbirth preparation centers or in the hospital where we give birth.

Video: Emergency - Newborn Resuscitation (July 2024).