Inappropriate exercise immediately after delivery can cause incontinence

The muscles that suffer most during vaginal delivery are those that form the pelvic floor, that is the group of muscles (perineum) limited by the buttocks, thighs and pelvis, which provide support to the entire lower abdomen (bladder , uterus and lower intestine).

One of the most common disorders caused by vaginal birth is urinary incontinence, fecal or genital prolapse.

Exercise is highly recommended to avoid these problems, both before, during, and after pregnancy, but it is also very important to know what type of exercises are most appropriate.

Another issue related to exercise after childbirth is when we can start practicing it, because according to some specialists exercising during the first weeks after giving birth may further aggravate the disorder.

According to Dr. Francisco Milla, the head of Urodynamic Studies and Uro-Gynecological Reeducation of the Xanit International Hospital of Benalmadena, inadequate physical exercise such as jumps or abdominals in the weeks after delivery rather than recovering the area can cause the opposite effect causing a chronic incontinence

The fundamental thing is to perform exercises during pregnancy that strengthen the pelvic floor to arrive in optimal conditions at the time of delivery and thus minimize possible future problems. Kegel exercises are very simple and effective, as are spheroodynamics, pilates, yoga and some exercises that are performed with special accessories to improve the elasticity of the perineal muscle.

To get in shape after childbirth, exercise combined with a balanced diet is the most appropriate, but it is not advisable to hurry. In order not to put our quality of life at stake, it is preferable to wait a while (which depends on each woman) so that the recovery is total.

It should also be clarified that the type of delivery we have greatly influences the suffering of the pelvic floor, since a dilation in a pool of water and a delivery in an upright position without episiotomy, for example, help to significantly reduce the effort of the area by giving birth.

Video: Female Bladder Leakage: Solutions to Get Control. u200e. UCLA Obstetrics & Gynecology (May 2024).