A grandmother gave birth to naturally conceived triplets

The news is that a 47-year-old Australian lady has become a mother. The curious part of the news is that it is also a grandmother, and the unusual part, which has just given birth naturally conceived triplets, that is to say without mediating any assisted reproduction method, which after 45 years is almost impossible.

If we take into account that the Spanish Fertility Society has expressed that from 35 years of age the chances of conceiving decrease by half and that 64% of women between 40 and 44 years old remain sterile, in addition to the fact that doctors had predicted a 5% chance of pregnancy, we can say that Having conceived three children naturally is practically a miracle.

With the three little Cooper, Kyle and Jordan born last Thursday, the woman and her partner add eight children. Half, the result of a mother's first marriage, is between 20 and 30 years old, given by two grandchildren, and from her second marriage she has a 4-year-old girl and now the triplets.

It is a clear case of what are usually called mothers-grandmothers, that is, women who become mothers at the age that they should be grandmothers or as on this occasion, while they are grandmothers.

The difference is that in most cases women go to fertility treatments to get pregnant, but the case of this Australian grandmother has been a real mockery of fertility laws.

Video: Healthy Quintuplets Born at University of Utah Hospital (July 2024).