The great explanation in drawings of a mother to her husband about why she gets up so tired and irritable

It is nothing new that by becoming parents we lose many hours of sleep. When there is a baby at home, the night awakenings are continuous and we do not rest enough to face the next day radiant and in a good mood. It is not to discourage you, but unless you are lucky that the baby sleeps all night, that will not happen again or so until he goes to primary school (well, maybe I exaggerate a little).

A mother, Mattea Golf recently had one of those mornings of dog humor, because she has a small five-month-old she breastfeeds, and especially that night she had slept very little. When her husband asked her why I was so irritable in the morning, she did not find words to express it, so she decided explain it in some fun drawings.

The difference: that he has no breasts that produce milk

Mattea and Kris have two girls, one of five years and the other of five months who is breastfeeding and breastfeed at night, on demand, as is normal in small babies.

The husband says he is also involved in raising girls, who gets up at night whatever it takes. But that night, he had fallen asleep when his wife had woken up several times to breastfeed her daughter. And when asked in the morning about his bad mood, he had the great idea of ​​explaining it in drawings.

In Babies and more Every night millions of women sleep with a tit outside

Everyone is sleeping

Useless nipples

Two hours later…

Slap, slap, slap ...

Really, I have to cut their nails

Nipples still useless

Well, I need to clean this up.

In Babies and more Breastfeeding is also dad's business


I'm freezing. Why is she so sweaty?

Good morning darling. Isn't it great to sleep? Let's snuggle up

The mother's post on Facebook has been shared more than 200 thousand times, and has received thousands of comments from other mothers who find it fun and very real.

One last clarification

Days after the publication, she wanted to add a clarification about some comments she had received about her husband, and she also did it through a drawing and a text:

"I think most people understood exactly what I was trying to convey, but, to be clear, I really wasn't trying to vilify the person who is sleeping, my husband, also known as Mr. Useless Nipples.

Breastfeeding was exclusively my decision, and it's something that my husband supports and greatly appreciates. He is a very involved father in many other ways. It is true that even the best of parents can intensify it from time to time and I may or may not fantasize about throwing him out of bed when he can sleep during most of the midnight adventures (a talent I don't possess ...). Being a mother is really hard work, but so is being a good father and I love him and I appreciate him for it.."

Video: YOUR PERIOD, hormones & mental health! Kati Morton (July 2024).