The moving photograph of a man cradling the baby of a mother who needed help

The acts of kindness and support are always beautiful stories worth sharing and being told. The world needs more love and good deeds, and working together is how we will make this a better place. And sometimes, the smallest things are the ones that can totally change someone's day.

We share you the moving photograph of a man who cradled the baby of a mother who needed help and that reminds us of the power and impact of those little gestures of kindness.

Natasha Wilson has been the one who shared the image of which I speak today, and who has published on her Facebook account, from where has been shared more than 392,000 times, filling with positive reactions and comments.

She was waiting for her shift in a medical office with other patients, when a mother entered with her baby asleep in her arms. According to Natasha's post, the mother had to fill out some forms, but she didn't want to wake up her son.

In Babies and more A man takes care of a woman's baby in flight, demonstrating that there are small gestures that can be a great help

So, a man who was seeing that the mother was looking for a way to do it without disturbing her baby, he came over and asked if he would like him to hold it so she could fill out the documents that had been requested.

The mother agreed with pleasure and thanks, and the lord sat next to her, with the baby in her arms still asleep. At that moment, Natasha was moved and decided to take a picture to share that little gesture of kindness she had witnessed.

"This man approached and cradled and loved that baby as his own! My heart melted!"comments in the Natasha publication."Racism is still very REAL in our current society, but this man gave me hope and a beautiful memory that I will never forget. If you know him, tell him he is a great person!".

In an interview for CBS, Natasha, who is the mother of seven children, explains why that precious gesture is so important to her:

"It was very moving for me because my children are biracial. It was comforting especially because he is a white older man, who thought absolutely nothing about the race. He simply loved that baby as if he were his baby. He saw nothing of color, nor did that mother".

In Babies and more The kind gesture of a stranger, helping a mother who tried to reassure her son with autism and ADHD

Natasha says that both the man, whom relatives identified in the photograph and wrote to him saying that his name is Joe Hill, and the mother, surnamed West, they have contacted her after sharing that precious moment of support and kindness between them.

On previous occasions we have shared other stories where people help mothers and fathers selflessly and without knowing them. This type of Small acts of kindness are those that remind us of our humanity and the great impact that positive action can have, however small it may seem.

Video: Holding a Baby for the First Time in Slow Motion. First Takes. Cut (July 2024).